God isn't asking you to make a promise that you can't keep.He is asking you to receive a promise that only he can keep.
God isn't asking you to make a promise that you can't keep. He is asking you to receive a promise that only he can keep.
To me it seems as self-evident as anything could be, that to make a promise, for instance, is to create a moral claim on us in someone else.
Even more interesting is that the promise of a future reward was enough to make adults choose the smaller portion.
If you want to be a Junior Ranger, you need to learn about the natural and cultural history, and make a promise to be a national park protector.
But for all of the benefit they clearly bring, e-books are still falling short of a promise to make us forget their paper analogs.
Even so, after his speech before Congress, he sent Christopher to the Middle East to revive the stalled peace talks and make good on his campaign promise of a warmer relationship with Israel.
When you commit to doing something every single day without exception, you can't rationalize or justify missing a day, nor can you promise to make it up later by reshuffling your schedule.
When you make a promise you will always honor it, and when you know you won't be able to stick to your promise it's best to be honest and tell your friend that you can't keep to the promise.
Overcoming the problem has been a major stumbling block in efforts to make stem cells fulfil their promise of transforming the future of medicine.
If HTC follows through on its promise to make an aggressive branding push, it could pose a bigger threat for Apple, analysts say.
And as you read the story, remember its larger context: God's promise to make Abraham the father of a great people through his son, Isaac.
That's how we'll make sure we keep that fundamental American promise - that if you work hard and act responsibly, you'll be able to pass on a better life to your kids and grandkids.
To make sure you can deliver on this promise, a comprehensive suite of automated regression tests is a must.
We never promise viral hits because very few organizations are interested in being edgy enough, or off-message enough, to make their video a must-see.
That legacy of loss provides a reminder of the promise that this agreement represents, but also its stakes for the future as we try to make sure that this tragedy does not happen again.
He takes the time to explain the available options, make recommendations, state the total costs, and promise a date when the work can be completed.
Most controversially, Japan wanted to be clear that it would not make a new commitment to emissions cuts under the Kyoto protocol after 2012, when its current promise runs out.
And this is the promise we will keep as we continue to make this law a reality in the months and years to come.
I can also promise you that if your business model relies on print sales, you will make a lot more money if you pay close attention to eye placement in your photographs.
And people who are trying to lose weight or finish a project will sometimes make bets with their friends so that if they don't deliver on their promise it'll cost them money.
Now since undertaking an obligation or commitment is like making a promise the position of a memory of the will under rides what he calls the right to make promises.
Still, he has destroyed the prime minister, as promised, and intends to fulfil his second promise: to make life hell enough for the LDP to force it to call a general election.
Make a promise and keep it! Promise your children that you won't get angry if they come to you with a problem about an online situation.
It implies that the REDD system now exists; and it offers a promise about the Kamula Duso forest which nobody can make until the outcome of a court case to settle who owns it.
Many still doubt whether a European Union-style federation can ever be achieved in the region, despite the EAC's promise to create a single currency by 2015 and to make a customs union work.
We take a look at two possible solutions to create GUI tests for SWT and Swing applications that promise to make this task easier.
Whenyou make a promise, you're adding responsibility to your plate that, despiteall your best intentions, you may not be able to deliver on.
Whenyou make a promise, you're adding responsibility to your plate that, despiteall your best intentions, you may not be able to deliver on.
Whenyou make a promise, you're adding responsibility to your plate that, despiteall your best intentions, you may not be able to deliver on.