There are certain things you need to do in order to make a request for the divorce records.
Article 46 a no-fault party shall have the right to make a request for damage compensation under any of the following circumstances bringing about divorce.
The court ruled that the boy should be allowed to make a request for asylum and criticised the US Immigration and Naturalization Services ( INS ) for not asking Elian himself.
If your request is for information about a child, please contact the registrar to find out how to make such a request.
For a static HTML page, you should see something like Listing 3 (to make the Numbers more interesting, this example made the same request 100 times).
The reason for this (as mentioned earlier) is that with raw sockets you need to establish a new connection for every request that you make to the server.
For example, if you know that a software change request from marketing will make a piece of software used in sales obsolete, then you need to explain that in those simple terms.
Some of these features are the ability to search for available resources to satisfy demand, make a request for assignment of a resource, and analyze organization utilization.
To do this, make a HEAD request and then check for a 404 error in your callback function; Listing 11 shows a sample callback.
The solution is to leave the data on the server and make a fine-grained HTTP request for the individual field rather than a coarse-grained request for the entire form.
For similar reasons on the client side, it can be quite useful to make the processing and responding to a client request asynchronous on the server.
What you can do, just once, is to make a polite request for another to stop the behavior that you find frustrating, annoying or disturbing.
It is said that the cake takes about 72-hours to make. However, the cake is usually only made per request: usually for a wedding, celebration, or for a sultan himself.
The basic sequence is that a server (application) is started, which waits for the client to make a request.
You don't want to make a special request to the IT department to run a report that will appear in a day or two, that's for sure.
When you make a general request for volunteers during a meeting, colleagues often interpret it as "Whoever doesn't have much of anything to do can work on this."
For example, you could have a small "server" process that has special privileges; that server allows only certain requests, and only after verifying that the requester is allowed to make the request.
There is really no need to put this object on a session anymore, since Portal will maintain it for us and make it available from the request.
确实没有必要再把这个对象放在会话中,因为门户为我们维护它并且可从 request 获取它。
Using these technologies, it is possible for an application to query a UDDI repository, find information about a desired Web service, and make a request to that Web service.
As an example of an API request, you will make a request to retrieve the friends for the authenticated user. Recall the structure of a Graph API.
Make sure that the ClearQuest record states used for transitioning a request to an owner on the Jazz tool is modeled.
You then make the request, and look for the record id to be returned to you as a sign of a successful result of the Web service method call.
Now whenever those events are fired, you'll call the submission action and thus make a request to your server for some Suggestions for your autosuggest field.
For an Ajax solution, I need to be able to make a server request after the page is loaded.
So make sure that the JSF managed bean that you are going to use for storing the conversational state has already received a faces request.
When you decide you want to move to using a POST request for sending your JSON data to the server, you don't have to make a lot of code changes. Here's what you'd want.
Neither party may bring a suit before a law court or make a request to any other organization for revising the arbitral award.
These might include deciding when to make multiple requests for scripts versus combining into a single request, and which scripts or functions to defer until after the page renders.
These might include deciding when to make multiple requests for scripts versus combining into a single request, and which scripts or functions to defer until after the page renders.