In April, however, he used his blog to make a statement headed "I Apologise".
Sekibo's people wanted to make a statement -clear the Sangheili - but they couldn't.
We choose not to make a statement either in favour of or against the need for a light bulb.
If you wish to make a statement that cannot be ignored, faceted tungsten rings speak volumes.
What better way to make a statement about your PC roots than to sport a ride caked with circuit boards?
In 1997 when Iverson joined the league, he wanted to make a statement and prove he belonged in the NBA.
You want to make a statement by what you purchase today, so you gravitate toward buying something expensive.
You're well-read, well-dressed; you're snoozing away in a public street. Would you care to make a statement?
WWF officials note that Earth Hour isn't meant to have a significant energy savings, but to make a statement.
Improvement the level of language, we provide the new rules. We encourage members to make a statement by English.
Stylist Lauren Rothman said Michelle Obama used her style-sense to make a statement with her dress from four years ago.
Second: if you want to make a statement with a great many qualifications, put some of the qualifications in separate sentences.
The car is geared toward city commuting and aimed at a niche of people who want to make a statement with a small, energy-efficient car.
If it is possible for the other party to make a statement that they may avoid the relevant facts, the recording evidence does not prove effective.
In this paper, the author tries to make a statement on the study of the object of this sentence, its semantic feature, deixis and syntactic function.
In April, however, he used his blog to make a statement headed “I Apologise”. Mr Roh said his “household” had received the money to help settle a debt.
It will point out the information in your CV that matches you for the job and gives you the chance to make a statement about yourself and your suitability.
Avoid color and pattern extremes. You want to make a statement about your business not a personal statement expressing your passion for purple polka dots.
The tails of primates are essentially designed th give them balance when leaping through trees, but many species gradually use their tails to make a statement.
I also wanted to make a statement for that half of the season saying she's getting older, she's getting more experienced and she's more the warrior than she was when she was a younger girl.
Other signs suggest school authorities were at least as eager to make a political statement as to keep schools open.
Other signs suggest school authorities were at least as eager to make a political statement as to keep schools open.