The hours were convenient, but he wouldn't have been able to make ends meet.
But do Millennials respond to these economic troubles by doing whatever it takes to make ends meet?
The hours were convenient, but if he had accepted it, he wouldn't have been able to make ends meet.
When people feel lonely, are grieving the loss of a loved one, or are struggling to make ends meet, their bodies go into threat mode.
Regrettably, the Tokugawa shoguns' search for solvency for the government made it increasingly difficult for individual Japanese who lived on fixed stipends to make ends meet.
To make ends meet, Cubans are forced to rely on a vast informal economy.
As a result, households have had to dip into their savings to make ends meet.
It can also relieve some of the pressure associated with trying to make ends meet.
She was a very hard worker, and in order to make ends meet, she hardly ever rested.
But we know it takes two paychecks to make ends meet today, when it used to take one.
Maybe you have a newborn or a sick child, or maybe you're working two jobs to make ends meet.
Our former church gave it to my family, knowing I'm a single parent trying to make ends meet.
Of course, sometimes it's not a choice at all: We must earn that extra pay to make ends meet.
As a documentary filmmaker, he thinks like an indigenous tribesperson struggling to make ends meet.
They understand what it takes to make ends meet without forgoing important investments like education.
Hard to believe a young fellow should have to work sixty or seventy hours a week to make ends meet [5].
With less access to credit, many families are finding the only way to make ends meet is to cut spending.
My worst years of undergrad involved working 80 hours a week at 3 different part time jobs to make ends meet.
However, many novice ignored the risk open shop eventually led to their own shop or struggling to make ends meet.
If so you are much better placed than people who are burdened with excessive debts and who struggle to make ends meet.
Here in India where I live, I have traveled through villages where people seemed to earn just enough to make ends meet.
And you can always moonlight with a part-time venture in the initial stages while taking a temporary job to make ends meet.
For many, it was the only way to make ends meet while searching for work - the only way to cover rent, utilities, even food.
Because of how small their farms are and how far rice prices have fallen, many farmers find it impossible to make ends meet.
Even the employees in big city are hocking their Rolex watches and diamond necklaces to make ends meet in the economic downturn.
Unemployment makes you wonder how you are going to make ends meet, what you will do if you become ill and what you are going to do next.
And it would affect thousands of construction workers and their families who depend on the jobs created by these projects to make ends meet.
And it would affect thousands of construction workers and their families who depend on the jobs created by these projects to make ends meet.