At the rate it is being used, the printer is not going to make it through the rest of the year.
At the rate it is being used, the photo copier is not going to make it through the rest of the year.
Lawrence Hajna, spokesman for the state Department of Environmental Protection, said officials expect the bear to make it through next winter.
These findings are in agreement with what you would expect from the evolutionary theory: those who like to make friends and help others can gather enough resources to make it through tough times.
Frank wondered how to make it through the hard days.
To do so you'll have to make it through 20 challenging levels.
I didn't think I was going to make it through the exam, it was so hard!
Right now, I'm just trying to figure out how to make it through each day.
We then find ways to make it through the event in good shape and with energy.
You must believe in yourself enough to make it through the dark days of self doubt.
The most important thing is to make it through the night with a temporary emergency shelter.
With the newest phones on the market, you might be lucky enough to make it through a weekend.
Trump's infrastructure plan, which would have to make it through the Senate her husband leads.
Most people have enough willpower to make it through the first week or two when it is really necessary.
The findings reveal that on occasion the best way to make it through a crisis is to just take a long nap.
As long as you keep moving forward and keep looking toward tomorrow, you're going to make it through this.
You're in survival mode, just trying to make it through another day. And that limits your usefulness in ministry!
When you're struggling to survive in a corporate job, it might be an achievement just to make it through the day.
Part of the problem is that spammers are getting very clever at allowing their spam to make it through the filters.
But we've still got some work to do over here, so hopefully he'll be able to make it through a few more lonely nights.
The pain in my lower back since my contractions began is so bad that I don’t see how I’ll be able to make it through labor.
Browsing for and discovering new apps should be fun, not challenge to make it through a tiny app store with your sanity intact.
Writing a PhD is like writing a book and you need to find a way to enjoy the act of writing in order to make it through the other side.
Since the indexer is only one part of the pipeline a Tweet has to make it through, we needed the indexer itself to have a sub-second latency.
First, I need to delay printing the "entering" line for each method call until I can see if the time taken is enough to make it through my filter.
Earlier in the day, back at the small hospital where the staff was singing, doctors had said they did not expect him to make it through mid-afternoon.
Earlier in the day, back at the small hospital where the staff was singing, doctors had said they did not expect him to make it through mid-afternoon.