If not, use a diary or notebook to make notes of what has to be handed in and when.
I decided to make notes during the lecture and refer to interesting parts and thank her on behalf of the society.
I decided to make notes during the lecture, and refer to interesting parts and thank her on behalf of the society.
Once the lecture starts, you have to make notes.
When you are having lessons, don't forget to make notes.
The little boy likes to make notes in the margin of books.
To make notes or comments on a diagram you can add text annotations.
You don't need to make notes of grammar rules or remember new words.
Let it become a habit to make notes of the call and place them in an appropriate file.
I'll explain some important language points. Please take out your notebooks and get ready to make notes.
It can help to make notes and get an idea of all the pieces of information that might impact your decision.
“In a way, the patient is in the worst position possible to make notes and jot down names, ” said Ms. Levine.
Have your resume and the job advertisement with you for reference, and a pencil and some paper to make notes.
Too take minutes means to make notes at a meeting so that afterwards you can write a record of what has happened.
It is the carrier's duty to make notes in the bill of lading regarding goods not in apparent good order and condition.
Modules typically use this phase to make notes or decisions about the request (such as by setting environment variables).
The teacher's voice has some hoarse, but he managed to speak loudly out each word, let us listen to clear, to make notes.
Files should be saved into topic-specific directories, and spreadsheets can be used to make notes about specific file contents.
You may also get to make notes on all sorts of interesting smells at your local jail. Sample flavors and become familiar with them.
Define your problem. Grab a sheet of paper, electronic notebook, computer or whatever you use to make notes, and define your problem in detail.
It is preferable that a negotiator has the support of an assistant to make notes, do calculations and remind of any points that he has missed.
Listen: in class, to listen carefully to the teacher explained, concentration, independent thinking and important content should be to make notes.
However, Pei's notes had adopted two forms, namely, to make notes himself and to quote from other documents, there were some misstatements in the notes.
If you find talking about your concerns difficult, it may help to make notes to bring along to the work interview with you. Make these clear and specific.
Shreya has recently started following her mother around the kitchen, taking notes on how to make her "masala chai" and tasty kachoris.
In the 20th century, the first four notes were used by other musicians to make different types of music like hiphop and rock and roll.
In the 20th century, the first four notes were used by other musicians to make different types of music like hiphop and rock and roll.