Objective: to discuss the cause of newborn asphyxia and make up measures in order to make ready for the forepart prevention and cure of it.
Are we ready to make prostitution legal to protect working girls and their rights?
When the slug is ready to make a stalk, more amoebas must die so that others can live.
Rossi needed to take on more craftsmen so they could make sure the orders were ready on time, and then, he also had to set up two new warehouses to make distribution quicker.
The purpose of education is to make all the students ready for the future life.
Now if you have courage and are ready to make a few mistakes, what will you say?
When people are young, meeting and overcoming challenges will make them strong and ready to face life.
Helen was always ready for the lessons, and she tried her best to make her classes lively.
The terrible events surrounding us must be lived as ways to make us ready for our final liberation.
Seeking advice is a smart thing to do, but before you do, make sure you are ready to accept it.
True enough, but Mr Nazarbayev himself looks in fine fettle and does not seem ready to make room for the younger generation.
More often than not the hair is bought by Italian importers, who wash and process it to make it ready for another person's head.
That is the information your children should get on their own, when they're ready. Your job is to make sure they are ready, and that the get their information safely and accurately.
Now we are ready to make some decisions about how the services will be realized by deciding what the participants will be and how they will be connected to realize a functioning system.
Mr Thaksin skirts the topic but insists he is ready to make peace and return home.
Now, we may want the freedom to make choices, but that doesn't mean we are ready and willing to accept the responsibility for the outcomes.
For, as Bacon claims, while reading makes a full man, it takes conversation to make him a ready man and writing an exact one.
People are ready to help and make friends with honest people whereas a liar is not believed, even when he speaks the truth.
If you answered yes to all or most of these questions, you're probably ready to make the lifestyle changes necessary to work toward permanent weight loss.
With the current increases in server hardware performance, many customers are looking to consolidate environments, and we need to be ready to help make this possible.
While this would not have made their editions any more legal, it would have served to make stiff-necked booksellers more ready to carry the books.
Copilot Snoddy came back momentarily to the rear of the aircraft to make sure Downey and Fecteau were ready.
As China tries to graduate from the world's factory to a nation with a strong middle class, its peasants still aren't ready to make the leap.
Depending on your line of work you may not need to wear full business attire, but even jeans and a T-shirt will make you feel ready to work more than wearing your pajamas.
The same may be true in the euro zone too, but the ECB is not yet ready to make that leap of faith.
At this time of the year, anyone who hasn't found that ideal employer is usually toeing the line, ready to make the final dash.
Silver is getting ready to make its final push through $50 an ounce just as the regulator and market participants are madly raising margin requirements.
It now compels those in the minority to make sacrifices of a magnitude they are not necessarily ready to make.
It now compels those in the minority to make sacrifices of a magnitude they are not necessarily ready to make.