This was a real choice, without a good solution, but at Auschwitz you had to make the choice.
If you have decided to make the choice to forgive, here are some guidelines that have proven useful.
As individual, how in instantaneous to make the choice which calmly takes refuge from danger correctly?
I don't actually know any teenage girls who have had to make the choice between a werewolf and a vampire.
Women should not feel guilty whatever choices they make - and that does not mean you have to make the choice to work.
And whatever moral reasoning you did to make the choice could have led your doppelganger to make the exact opposite choice.
If one of target molecules can be synthesized in some synthetic routes, we must follow the principles to make the choice.
The truth will be a powerful test of people flexibility, who will have to make the choice as to whether to ascend or not.
By comparing options, though, research finds that people are better able to make the choice that is in their long-term interests.
It is difficult to make the choice of the motion point and the motion coordination in the study of the compound movement of the motion research.
If you're considering two similar (but different brand) vehicles, incentives on one of them could be all the incentive you need to make the choice between them.
But what I have instead is the chance to make the choice to love someone, and the hope that he will choose to love me back, and it is terrifying, but that's the deal with love.
There would be choices to make, and no possibility of avoiding them, since trying to ignore the matter would be a choice.
There is no give and take, as the controller is uncomfortable and bossy if you want to make a choice about something.
Two Ph.D. students and their advisor, David Buss professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, did force people to make this very choice.
Quit thinking that you have to make the right decision; instead, make a choice and dont look back.
Quit thinking that you have to make the right decision; instead, make a choice and don't look back.
Everyone has the right to make a choice.
The students studying abroad had to make a choice whether to return or to stay.
He had no choice but to perform on the streets to make money.
Without correct column distribution statistics, DB2 may not have enough information to make the best choice when choosing an access path to the data-especially if data is heavily skewed.
在选择数据的访问路径时,如果没有正确的列分布统计数据,DB 2可能没有足够的信息来做出最佳的选择,尤其是如果数据出现严重误差。
Today is a new day. Make the choice to make today better than the ones before.
If, however, you are unsure which style of swimsuit to choose, let 21st Century help you make the right choice to make a splash this summer.
Even if they see a bicycle or a backpack that meets their requirements, they can't make a decision until after they've examined every option, to make the best possible choice.
Imagine you are going to die next week ... You have no choice but to make the most of it.
Ever since Turkey joined NATO in 1952, it has hoped to never have to make a choice between the alliance and its Russian neighbor to the north.
Tobacco taxes are an incentive to make the right choice, and because the poor are price-sensitive, they benefit the most.
Tobacco taxes are an incentive to make the right choice, and because the poor are price-sensitive, they benefit the most.