The police have arrested these artful rascals who gathered together to make trouble.
I always had to bear the blame for my naughty son, who used to make trouble at school.
She stood in a shadowy corner of the banquet hall waiting for a chance to make trouble.
Laodan detected this young man bearing down menacingly. He seems ready to make trouble.
There is a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means to make trouble.
Thanks to give you advice, he make you mature; Thanks to make trouble to you, he makes you strong.
I don't want to make trouble, but I have a few Suggestions that could make things work more smoothly.
I dont want to make trouble, but I have a few Suggestions that could make things work more smoothly.
It turned out to be a bum steer, just a rumor spread by one of our competitions to make trouble for us.
That is, of course, Obama's view of the way the world works, and they are going to continue to make trouble.
James: I don't want to make trouble, but I really think you ought to have a word with that fellow behind the bar.
The Little Magazine was written by, addressed to, new young writers and artists, and they were determined to make trouble.
Mingzhang instructs Guorong to make trouble at Jiahui's wedding and to call the police if Jinlong attends the wedding.
The most well-known symbol of Halloween is what these two - fantastic "Jack Light" and "do not you eat to make trouble" prank.
But the words of one woman pricked up my ear as I heard her say that Nicky was always trying to make trouble in their building.
Little tiger and little grizzly began to make trouble, they scribble on the blackboard, while the teacher does not pay attention to the time, littering chalk head.
Although the family quarrelled a good deal among themselves, they quickly close ranks against any outsiders who criticized or tried to make trouble for one of them.
These students do not want to get in trouble or seem irresponsible, so they make up an excuse—a lie—to save face.
These students do not want to get in trouble or seem irresponsible, so they make up an excuse—a lie—to save face.