You ask them, on the other hand, to mark down their sex, they do worse because they're reminded of a negative stereotype.
You ask them, on the other hand, to mark down their sex, they do worse because they are reminded of a negative stereotype.
When Asian-American women are given a test and they're asked to mark down their race, they do better than they would otherwise do.
Inside the euro zone, no one can be forced to devalue because no one has a currency to mark down.
That risks driving down asset prices, forcing lots of Banks to mark down equivalent assets and erode capital.
I will tell my IT technical staff to mark down your IP and chase your location, so, just enjoy this stupid game, bye.
我将会揾IT 既同事记低你个ip及查出你既位置。所以,你继续享受这愚蠢的游戏,再见。
Because you are not a staying guest of this hotel, I'm afraid we have to mark down your passport number before we can keep your luggage here.
I'm trying to read English novel recently and would like to mark down some English grammar. If you find out any mistakes, please feel free to tell me.
As the market prices of mortgage securities have fallen, banks have had to mark down their holdings, taking “unrealised” losses that erode their capital position.
随着按揭证券市价的下跌,银行需要减记它们的持有量,接受“未实现”的损失。 这些“未实现”的损失将腐蚀它们的资本。
The index's movement implies a 5% loss rate, pressuring banks to mark down the value of their bonds even though the underlying properties are still generating cash.
And to do that, you should carry around a little pencil and paper all day, and each time you feel the impulse (in this case, to react with anger), mark down a tally.
Down at the bottom of the screen when reading an app, you have options to mark as read, load in the browser, and switch from text mode to full HTML rendering mode.
Bill Gates offered Mark a million dollars while Mark was still in high school to work for him, and Mark turned it down.
I put another kilogram on, it goes down to this mark.
But to mark the tests, they have to use an answer key sent down from the States.
Once the game started, I tried to calm him down by showing him how to mark the scorecard and keep track of every play.
Undermining that effort, on Thursday American accounting standard-setters watered down a mark-to-market provision that would have forced banks to value their assets at market prices.
Down on the plain, the heavens have opened, huge drops of rain hammering into the muddy ruts which mark the road around the turn-off to the refinery.
Without forcibly cramming down the creditors, Europe could improve the incentives for debt buy-backs by finally instructing regulators to mark sovereign debt to market in bank stress tests.
When you enter, they mark down any books you bring in, and you're expected to take same number out again.
While it is unusual for people of that age to hold down a job, it is becoming more and more common to reach the 100-year mark.
Or else he will mark you down as an annoying upstart and will only be too glad to edge you out when the next round of redundancies comes round.
One is mark-to-market accounting where it is ambivalent, for example endorsing the idea that banks be allowed to shift assets into loan books where they need not be written down immediately.
The engraving was a mark of ownership and to add weight to its value when it later past down through his family.
We cross dirt roads and highways that mark the will of someone and then others who said, "I need to see what's on the other side; I know there’s something better down the road."
Each node in the cluster has a custom file that lists all the IP addresses it must be able to ping for it to mark an interface up or down.
集群中的每个节点有一个定制的netmon . cf文件,其中列出一些IP地址,为了判断一个接口是打开的还是关闭的,它必须能够ping通这些地址。
When they came down again, Mark was very glad to be back safely, and he said to his friend in a shaking voice, "Well, George, thank you very much for those two trips in your plane."
Mark Zuckerberg is a young man who used to have his face on every Facebook page and who turned down a $1 billion offer to buy the company.
Today Oracle laid down the boom, posting a slide-deck that Lynch gave to Oracle president Mark Hurd during an April 2011 meeting.
不过上周四,甲骨文决定反戈一击。 它发布了一份幻灯片,这是林奇在2011年4月一次会议上向甲骨文总裁马克•赫德演示时使用的。
Today Oracle laid down the boom, posting a slide-deck that Lynch gave to Oracle president Mark Hurd during an April 2011 meeting.
不过上周四,甲骨文决定反戈一击。 它发布了一份幻灯片,这是林奇在2011年4月一次会议上向甲骨文总裁马克•赫德演示时使用的。