When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.
种树苗的时候,我喜欢事先划出行来。 。
It's a good idea to mark out on a calendar or spreadsheet the dates you get paid and the total amount.
It also helps to mark out the pricing formulas of call option in terms of zero - coupon bond and interest - rate caps.
Metro takers are invited to mark out public toilets in metro station. Please leave your comment and provide precise details, e. g.
You will need a marked rope or a 100ft measuring tape to mark out the site, and a foot-wide wooden board about 4ft long to do the flattening.
The Project Content: to mark out 300 mu as the building land for the Leshan Public Relation School and another 300 mu to exploit mass as the commercial apartment building.
Selection capture, coming after you've set up your screen just the way you like it, allows you to take your time to mark out and alter the region before double-clicking it to take the final shot.
Their predictions turned out to be wide of the mark.
In the end, they worked out the 24 Solar Terms to mark the changes.
Those who failed to mark their names on the balloons were ruled out of the game.
Graybiel and graduate student Mark Howe, lead author of the paper, set out to see if they could link these rhythms with the changes in brain state that accompany learning.
And while it will mark the end of production, the show itself has awhile to play out given that the end of season three doesn't hit the air waves until March 2010.
From there, mark the FreeBSD partition as bootable, select boot Manager, and then type W to (W) rite out the information to the MBR.
Predictions early in 2005 that the year would be the warmest on record turned out to be off the mark.
Each victory will mark a decision you made and plan that you carried out, work that you did to make yourself better.
The only thing Mark ever did was throw firecrackers out of his plane, but just to scare poachers, not to hurt anyone.
John heard a rumor that his friend Mark was in the hospital, but it turned out not to be true.
I told this story at one of my seminars not long ago, and afterward a big teary-eyed man came up to me, stuck out his big meaty hand and said, "Mark, my name is Jim Wilson."
If spread out over several years, the bank could absorb the hit from Household implied by the mark to-market valuation without damaging its capital.
As we're nearing the halfway mark of 2009, we decided to find out what location-based applications the ReadWriteWeb community is using.
When you enter, they mark down any books you bring in, and you're expected to take same number out again.
Lay out partition walls by snapping chalk lines to mark both sides of the bottom plates.
Madoff's death "is a tragic development and my sympathy goes out to Mark Madoff's family," Picard said in an e-mailed statement yesterday.
So far so good, despite mark-to-market losses on the securities it acquired bailing out Bear Stearns and American International Group.
到现在为止, 一直都还不错,尽管它承担了救援贝尔斯登和美国国际集团在有价证券上市值计价的损失。
Charles and Camilla were then followed carrying out engagements in and around Birmingham. The resultant short film has been posted on their website to mark its relaunch.
Mark Twain once said about rural England that it was "too absolutely beautiful to be left out of doors." He could have said the same about the Berkshires, where the Clark is set.
Or else he will mark you down as an annoying upstart and will only be too glad to edge you out when the next round of redundancies comes round.
Or else he will mark you down as an annoying upstart and will only be too glad to edge you out when the next round of redundancies comes round.