But all this is going to mean business possibilities for us. There could also be possibilities in the contractual market.
Claimed synergies have rarely materialised in past pharmaceutical deals, but this time Pfizer seems to mean business: it plans to shed nearly 20,000 jobs.
The negative side of Henry Ford's statement, however, can be seen when the word business is taken to mean big business.
Empowerment and delegation mean new forms of management control to ensure that the overall business plan is being followed, and that operations become more profitable under the new organization, rather than less.
Similarly, just because you have a single common business model fueling your analytics engine doesn't mean you want every user to see every analysis or report.
Through it all, the concept of e-business -- once a brand name closely associated with IBM -- has come to simply mean business.
经过这个过程,电子商务的概念 --一度是和IBM紧密相连的一个品牌 --已经逐渐只意味着 商务。
All of these dynamics - from more apps to more platforms to more services to more business models - mean a fundamental shift is occurring in how businesses build and manage their mobile strategy.
How you communicate with others in the business environment can mean the difference in obtaining the acceptance you need to get process changes implemented.
It used to mean innate ability, but in modern business it has become a synonym for brainpower (both natural and trained) and especially the ability to think creatively.
Taking month after month to prepare a business plan can mean opportunities lost for some who want to start a small business - especially a home business.
And by value, I don't mean only hard economic value, like sales or savings or new business. (Which in most cases is hard to quantify anyway.)
However, this does not mean that we are going to restrict foreign business in China or the cooperation between foreign and Chinese enterprises.
Often the same term is adopted by multiple stakeholders to mean very different things -- a situation which persists because of the ambiguity that occurs where there is no clear business definition.
不同的人员常常用同一术语表示非常不同的东西 ——这种情况是由术语模糊性引起的,而后者是因为缺少清晰的业务定义。
This can only mean that in a year when more people are applying to business school, admissions will be more competitive and a smaller percentage of applicants will get in.
In addition to being powerful, a packaged application's focus on a specific aspect of business processing tends to mean that its processing and data are isolated from other applications.
I mean, really sat down and had a conversation with them about their needs, what they expect in the future, and the changes they'd like to see in order for business to get done more efficiently?
It does mean you have a compelling new business idea, and a willingness to face risk.
High wages and property values mean it is difficult to start a business in the area, or even to maintain one.
This would mean the business state machine is between states and thus would not be able to accept other operations, such as a request to cancel the order.
With its origins in the Suharto "new order" regime, Golkar seems a waning force, but its big-business backing and nationwide reach mean it is unlikely to fade away.
The life cycle is now finished and you can now assign the previously defined, business-modelled types to it, which will mean that they will be automatically governed into the life cycle when created.
Just because large, traditional companies saddled with old school business models have decided to embrace a closed approach to the web, doesn't mean the web is dead.
The launch business is unpredictable, and the small volumes mean that numbers can fluctuate from year to year.
Once you're profitable, you can make more purchases, but even those should be limited to what you need. Your business should be a "lean, mean, debt reducing machine".
Wealthier parents can more easily lend their offspring cash to start a business, and assets mean you can plan for the future.
He hated doing PR, realized that just because he was in the record business didn't mean he had anything at all to do with music.
Ceasing to matter doesn't mean a company is going to go out of business next year, any more than it means a pop star will suddenly become poor.
Ceasing to matter doesn't mean a company is going to go out of business next year, any more than it means a pop star will suddenly become poor.