The balance scales held by the rider to measure out the grain, and the very high price of the grain seem to indicate scarcity of food.
As Venus was closer to the Earth, its parallax angle would be larger, and Halley worked out that by using Venus it would be possible to measure the Suns distance to 1 part in 500.
If it upholds the measure, this must then be approved in a referendum in which at least a quarter of voters turn out, probably to be held in mid-March.
The Hurricane Imaging Radiometer can measure not only directly under the plane, but also out to each side, providing a two-dimensional picture of storm structure.
One way to find out would be to measure the planet's light spectrum, which could reveal molecular oxygen or other possible signs of life in its atmosphere.
Out of that came a commitment to find ways to measure school performance, which IBM helped to develop.
In 1882 the Archbishop of Canterbury decreed that beer was not to be handed out anymore to contain excesses, though this proved to be a completely insufficient measure.
Measure out the flour, get the canned tomatoes open, dice everything ready to go, start the rice cooker, and so on.
Using a digital thermometer or a thermometer specifically designed to measure basal body temperature, take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed.
We are out here on a dedicated field campaign to measure the thickness of the ice to help calibrate and validate satellite thickness measurements in this period of advanced retreat.
As Yourdon points out, American programmers have gone forty years without an objective, credible way to measure cost, productivity, and quality.
So experimental, if you want to find out these rates, you can measure their equilibrium concentrations.
If you were to measure the higher levels of happiness that money achieves, the curve would simply level out.
On the global measure, people start out at age 18 feeling pretty good about themselves, and then, apparently, life begins to throw curve balls.
Next, I want to find out where earthquakes are occurring, and somehow quickly measure which location logs the most earthquakes in my date range.
The oil company maintains there is no reliable way to measure the oil spill by analysing oil moving out of the pipe.
Dirac pointed out that one of the only ways to measure a particle's position is by bouncing a photon off of it, and seeing where and how that photon lands on a detector.
If the team is late on item number 3, it is an simple effort to identify that the LDAP server has not been built out yet, and to measure how far it will put you behind schedule.
A way to find a class with too much responsibility is through the efferent coupling measure, also referred to as fan out complexity.
PC World points out a web-based reaction test that can actually be used to measure response times between wired and wireless mice.
But if you are going to continue tracking your fat, check out our post on how to measure your body fat at home to do so accurately.
She said she hoped the latest plan would work but admitted it would be a temporary measure and that a relief well currently being drilled might turn out to be the permanent solution.
China's export model, then, still consists in big measure of renting out cheap Labour and land to foreigners.
Number of users that can be maximally supported after you add servers to support the application through a server farm, to measure the scaling out ability of the application.
Establishing mechanisms and policies used to control and measure the way IT decisions are made and carried out.
The devil took out a huge diamond while saying to the king, "Measure the diameter of it."
Scans to measure brain volume were carried out over the next ten years and mental tests were also run on participants.
It's conceivable that the elegance of proofs is quantifiable, in the sense that there may be some formal measure that turns out to coincide with mathematicians' judgements.
It's conceivable that the elegance of proofs is quantifiable, in the sense that there may be some formal measure that turns out to coincide with mathematicians' judgements.