At least, until the snow hardened into ice, the whiteness turned to sludge, and everyone started to moan again.
If life isn't going your way do you tend to moan and feel sorry for yourself?
People used to moan that he didn't perform for his country like he did for his club.
In the lamplight, the withered leaves collect at my feet. And the wind begins to moan.
It is January 2007 in Detroit; 8am, so morning is just starting to moan across the sky.
Beth Tweddle, the finest gymnast Britain has ever had, is far too nice ever to moan about an unfair result.
She seemed quiet and a bit reflective at first glance, but suddenly started to moan and 9 whine about things.
At least, until the snow hardened into ice, the whiteness turned to sludge and everyone started to moan again.
If life isn't going your way do you tend to moan and feel sorry for yourself? You don't have to dwell on your misfortunes.
Don't dawdle away your time, or the young head will soon turn white. Then it will be in vain for you to moan and mourn for this.
Anyone who knows me well can attest to the fact that I'm a grumpy goose, I like to moan and complain about the shocking state of things.
There was talk of pay cuts. The office was spookily quiet, too; since most of her friends had been sacked, there wasn't even anyone around to moan to.
Shareholders moan that banks levy fat fees to underwrite rights issues even though the risk of a deal falling is minimal.
Their rules, moan the banks, have forced them to report enormous losses, and it's just not fair.
Their rules, moan the banks, have forced them to report enormous losses, and it's just not fair.
School-leavers may moan, but they have little choice but to embrace university and the student debt that comes with it.
Three—four—five minutes passed, and then Potter began to stir and moan.
Something is terrible about their relationship, job, or other situation, and they moan about it ceaselessly, but find some excuse to dismiss any solution that's proposed.
Put our plan to many europeans-creditor Germans, debtor Greeks or Eurosceptic Britons - and they may moan that this is not what they were promised when the euro was set up.
Shareholders moan that Banks levy fat fees to underwrite "rights issues" even though the risk of a deal failing is minimal.
Shareholders moan that banks levy fat fees to underwrite “rights issues” even though the risk of a deal failing is minimal.
Rather than moan about having to go to an airport three times a week, I'll share some of the tips I have picked up along the way.
While your roommate is out, glue your shoes to the ceiling. When your roommate walks in, sit on the floor, hold your head, and moan.
Many Lagosians moan that, though he has virtually banned the bikes, the governor has failed to provide alternatives.
In last year's jumpy markets, however, Banks' fees rose to 3% or more and have been slow to fall back. Sub-underwriters moan that their share of the spoils did not rise, too.
In last year's jumpy markets, however, Banks' fees rose to 3% or more and have been slow to fall back. Sub-underwriters moan that their share of the spoils did not rise, too.