There are at least four different kinds of USB plugs, two kinds of FireWire and like a million different ways to connect something to TV or monitor.
While playing a game or doing something you shouldn't, just glance up at the C.H.I.M.P. Rearview Monitor Mirror to see if your boss is approaching from behind.
当你打游戏或做其它不该做的事情时,不时瞄一眼c.h.i.m. P. RearviewMonitorMirror,看看你的老板是不是正在从你的身后偷偷接近。
Should you feel the need for something a little larger, you can hook the Eee up to a monitor via VGA and HDMI or, in the case of the more expensive model, the display can be connected wirelessly.
如果你需要大一些的部件,可以通过UGA和HDMI接口连接显示器。 对于一些价格更高的机型,也可以无线连接显示器。
The software mines the Internet to find instances in which writers have claimed something is untrue. It then USES speech recognition technology to monitor conversations.
Do monitor your attitude and if you can't find something positive to say about a subject refrain from saying anything.
Surfing isnt a casual activity that we do comfortably while waiting for the bus. Its something we do sitting in a chair staring at a monitor that isnt friendly to the eyes.
We hope to have something that would actually look like paper but behave like a computer monitor in terms of its ability to store information.
We hope to have something that would actually look like paper but behave like a computer monitor in terms of its ability to store information.