I don't want to work in a training center: I did that for two years and don't want to move backwards.
So, as seen from our faster-moving Earth, Jupiter at times appears to move backwards in front of the background stars.
This cursor includes all of the data and enables you to move through each of the records in the cursor, but doesn't enable you to move backwards.
It also records the beating of the heart and tells the robotic tool to move backwards and forwards. This could allow surgeons to operate with the chest closed.
Try the Tab key to move forward between fields and links, Shift + Tab to move backwards, and the arrow keys to change which items are selected in lists or radio button groups.
尝试使用Tab键在输入域和链接间切换,使用Shift + tab后退,以及使用箭头键更改列表或单选按钮组中选中项目的选择。
These products use the existing eye muscles to change the shape of the lens and move it backwards and forwards in the eye during focusing.
The second argument to search is the configuration string bnW, which tells the function to search backwards but not to move the cursor nor to wrap the search.
Each time you lock yourself in indignation and anger, even if it concerns injustice or suffering that you find unbearable to watch, I ask you to step backwards and move into the center of yourself.
Primary waves are identical in character to sound waves. The ground is forced to move forwards and backwards as it is compressed and decompressed.
Dr Neave explains that humans move in three planes. You can nod your head backwards and forwards, side to side or twist your neck to look over a shoulder.
And while America squabbles, crumbles and move backwards, China laughs all the way to the bank!
Once you have moved backwards, you can use these on the other side of the date to move forwards.
Otherwise, the back of a chair backwards too oblique, driving the body when the crash move especially easy to fly back, head will hit the roof.
Rationale: Users who move from one Photo-Page to the next or backwards could find it bothering to have to move the mouse, even if it is only a small movement.
Don't waste your time looking back on what you've lost. Move on, for life is not meant to be traveled backwards.
The only real rule is that you should not move backwards, but given any number of ways to get from point a to point b, the objective is to do so with as much efficiency and style as possible.
The time toolbar allows you to define a time interval, and then rapidly move forwards or backwards by that interval at the click of a button or press of a key.
The pull rod (19) of the straw pushing device drives the straw pushing device (18) to move forwards and backwards. The lifting foot drives the straw pushing device to move up and down.
Lobster, for instance, is a bad idea because they move backwards and could therefore lead to set backs.
When they leave our room, they don't simply turn around and walk out, but, to our delight, move backwards until they're out of the room.
When they leave our room, they don't simply turn around and walk out, but, to our delight, move backwards until they're out of the room.