As we exited the vehicle at our next stop, I told the reporter about an enemy sniper in the areaand warned him to move quickly.
As a verb, the word "leap" means to jump, or to move quickly.
Make sure that there is a way for smoke to move quickly out of the room.
The Rockets had to move quickly and signed Stromile Swift.
This makes them harder to move quickly and relatively easy to detect by satellite images.
His familiar and skills allow him to move quickly and it confirms my impressions of last year.
Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said Olmert's comments emphasized the need to move quickly.
It is putting them at risk. And we need to move quickly to increase our assistance to education.
The results indicate that the medical micro-robot can be suspended to move quickly into intestine.
Juve will have to move quickly and firmly if they are to land the player and beat the competition.
When the up trend recovery develops this means it will be easier for the market to move quickly above 3000.
Though still mourning, the aging couple felt they had to move quickly if they wanted to start a new family.
The bicarb will begin to work as soon as the ingredients are mixed together, so you'll need to move quickly.
You have to take some risks to move quickly and build a winning business, and sometimes you'll make mistakes.
The central meaning Shared by these verbs is. To move quickly, lightly, and irregularly like a bird in flight.
So it is vital for people to move quickly into work once qualified, and to hold on to jobs once they get them.
A senior American official has urged India to move quickly to wrap up a civilian nuclear deal with the United States.
Look at 2:36, we're going to move quickly, "There was a prophet, Anna the daughter of Phaneul, of the tribe of Asher."
The TSA recommends checking their websites, figure out the best way to pack your bags to move quickly through the lines.
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Being able to move quickly and innovate is what will save the company, and that goes completely opposite all our process.
The prospects for a tax grab on company earnings are limited, given the ability of corporations to move quickly across national boundaries.
The following sections highlight new capabilities to move quickly from requirements for monitoring to realization in dashboards and actions.
S. So Detroit, which has made great progress in reducing its cost disadvantage with Japan, needs to continue to move quickly down that path.
Although you may want to be comfortable or professional-looking on a flight, sandals or high heels make it hard to move quickly within the wreckage.
They can leverage pre-built BPM content and contributions from BPM experts and users around the world to move quickly from strategy mapping to process execution.
They can leverage pre-built BPM content and contributions from BPM experts and users around the world to move quickly from strategy mapping to process execution.