Some, like Damaris De Luna Sanchez, 11, move their hands the way a conductor directs an orchestra, slicing through the air to help them reach the proper intonations.
These carbon suckers would employ fans to move air through a solution of sodium hydroxide, which absorbs the CO2.
The structure allows alligators, when they need it, to move a lot more air through their lungs and absorb a lot more oxygen than mammals can.
The louver Windows may be closed if necessary to allow air conditioning, but in practice, air conditioning is rarely required and the breezes move through the house at all times.
The ability to move air through plant canopies is related directly to the tightness of the green house.
Louvers in the grille can move, side gills redirect air flow and active wheel rims become flush—all to help the IAA most effectively cut through the air.
The hand-held device connects to a computer, and students move the device through the air while watching the results of their actions on a computer screen.
Coughing can cause air to move through your windpipe faster than the speed of sound - over a thousand feet per second!
When used to move to any location, through the chassis fan cycle to achieve disinfection of indoor air purification effects of sterilization.
When used to move to any location, through the chassis fan cycle to achieve disinfection of indoor air purification effects of sterilization.