If all my things are put off till tomorrow, My time wasted to no purpose will brew woe.
A pointed objection to George Bush's policies is not just that they crossed a moral line but that they crossed it to no purpose.
They read deep and learned books to him, and then the lightest and most trifling that could be found, but all to no purpose.
Yet by His Majesty's orders he made many trials to open them, but all to no purpose; excepting some scraps containing some words.
No matter how the day is celebrated, the purpose of these celebrations is to help everyone understand the UN and the important roles it plays in world affairs.
I'd bet that no one deliberately sits down to read with the purpose of not understanding the text.
When it's time to make the leap, they take action and immediately drop what's no longer serving their purpose.
No, she realized God had a purpose for her life and she was willing to do whatever he wanted.
I am saying that no illness comes to you unbidden; some purpose is served, and the purpose is rooted in a belief you hold as true.
No matter what other purpose you want your own site to serve, it must showcase your ability to blog.
Ext2fs implements fast symbolic links: no data blocks need to be allocated for this purpose, and the target name is directly stored in the inode table.
In the meantime, let us study things which are no more. It is necessary to know them, if only for the purpose of avoiding them.
There is no better way to live a purpose, and make money, than through a inherent talent.
There is no better way to live a purpose, and make money, than through an inherent talent.
First, he denied that the Republican party was an Abolitionist party. "I have no purpose," he said, "either directly or indirectly, to interfere with slavery where it exists."
Text fields have no description; thus, they are often proceeded by a label control to identify their purpose.
But she does this, she explains, because "there is no purpose to a memoir, if it isn't honest."
And you don't need permission to decide your own purpose. No boss, teacher, parent, priest or other authority can decide this for you.
With no Rosetta Stone to act as a key for translation, the best we can do is guess at their purpose.
At least in the near term there is plenty of LNG because capacity originally intended to serve America is no longer needed for that purpose.
Their play, and ours, appears to serve no other purpose than to give pleasure to the players, and apparently, to remove us temporarily from the anguish of life in earnest.
他们的玩耍,同我们的 一样,似乎并没有别的目的而只是给游戏者以愉悦,暂时把我们从严肃生活的痛苦中拉出来。
For many students, they seem to serve no other purpose than just provide a few words of inspiration or warning.
It serves no purpose to establish a controlled organization of materials if that organization doesn't make sense to your users.
If the HTML contains regular structures that can be easily modified, such as elements that serve no real purpose, you might find it easier to update them before the conversion.
But to explain it in plain terms would serve no purpose other than to make me look insane to people who have no correlating inner experience.
No matter which type of search, the purpose is to provide a consolidated, correlated, and ranked result set that enables quick and easy access to information.
Too often they have been asked to fight in strange and distant places, for no clear purpose they could see and for no accomplishment they can measure.
Guards ordered them to build a wall out of lava rocks brought from a distant crater-a wall that served no purpose.
Guards ordered them to build a wall out of lava rocks brought from a distant crater-a wall that served no purpose.