At the same time, the information explosion requires a method to analysis, arrange, digest the information and to offer firm basis of later decision.
In the new converged world any firm that can deliver an IP stream to customers over its network can offer any or all of these services.
The company recently said it plans to offer free, open-source software to small and midsize businesses. Dell also may be eyeing a takeover of another high-tech firm to expand its sales reach.
Give your candidates an opportunity to offer any further information that they feel is necessary for you to make a decision and to ask questions about your firm or about the job.
Although the offer was later raised just enough to win consent, Schaeffler promised not to control more than half of the resulting firm.
Yet Xstrata’s bosses reckon that their firm has more to offer Glencore than vice versa.
Its boss, Deven Sharma, insists his firm "can convince markets that we have something to offer, with or without a regulatory stamp".
According to HR consulting firm Hewitt Associates, 10-12 per cent of large American employers offer staff this option.
人力资源咨询公司翰威特(HewittAssociates)称,10% - 12%的美国大公司为员工提供这种选择。
It too could offer full service, in that Areva supplies fuel and manages waste in addition to designing reactors, while EDF runs more nuclear plants than any other firm.
The validity period is indispensable to a firm offer, that remains valid until a stipulated time or until it is accepted or rejected.
The firm is one of a growing number of internet start-ups that mine unconventional forms of data to offer financial services.
These books contain some of the best scholarly writings that the research literature has to offer on the behavioral theory of the firm.
A new report by the McKinsey Global Institute, a research arm of the consulting firm, tries to offer an answer.
Next to Dow's headquarters, a swanky new building will soon offer more new jobs in a back-office-services joint venture with Tata Consultancy services, a big Indian outsourcing firm.
Our boss promised he'd never sell our company to another firm. But when he got a good offer, he sold us down the river, and the new owners brought in their own people and fired us.
The KPMG scheme begins at Durham and Exeter this autumn, and will be extended to Birmingham University next year. The firm ultimately expects to offer more than 400 places.
The creditors are likely to make a rival bid that would, like the other offer, lead to GM’s eventual reacquisition of parts of a firm that it spun-off in 1999.
The AU would as always continue to offer China its firm support in the issues related to China's core and major interests, he said.
The firm plans to offer optional solar-photoelectric systems, to be set up as a car port at home, that will be able to power the cars for 80km a day without having to draw on the grid.
The firm was forced to offer a replacement for all affected chips, at a cost of nearly half a billion dollars.
Well, to compensate a part of the loss, as you suggested, may I ask you to make us a firm offer for 50,000 glazed wall tiles C.I.F., Manila including the risk of breakage, November shipment?
W: Well, to compensate a part of the loss, as you suggested, may I ask you to make us a firm offer for 50, 000 glazed wall tiles C.I.F. Manila including the risk of breakage, November shipment?
Suez and GDF will probably offer to sell GDF's 25% stake in SPE, a big electricity firm in Belgium.
Wigington says the amount of paperwork was daunting, but she used the six-month period to carefully evaluate the private equity firm and what it could offer her business.
Capital shopping Centres Group Plc slid 2.6 percent to 382.3 pence after Simon Property Group Inc. said it has no intention of making a firm offer for the U.K. 's biggest shopping-mall owner.
拥有英国最大连锁超市的Capital ShoppingCentres集团股价下跌2.6%,至382.3便士,西蒙地产公司表示无意向该集团提出收购要约。
Just 6, 000 18-year-olds have deferred a firm offer of a place on a university course for this year, according to admissions service Ucas.
Thank you for your letter of? Asking us to make a firm offer of the goods captioned.
To be frank with you, if it weren't for our good relations, we'd hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price.
To be frank with you, if it weren't for our good relations, we'd hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price.