The virus is believed to originate in North America, where cases of infection were first reported.
The sleep easy (EZ) to originate in 1974 in the American ali Sang Neizhou Phoenix, is the specialized manufacture sale high quality mattress's factory.
During World War II, technicians working in the path of energized radar antennas discovered they could hear a buzz, seeming to originate inside their skulls.
The imagery a sleeping brain concocts appears to originate in the reticular formation (RF), a diffuse, intricate collection of more than 100 networks of neurons arranged throughout the brain.
一个沉睡的大脑炮制出现的图像,起源于网状结构(视网膜?) (RF),并扩散到错综复杂的大脑里超过100个神经元网络。
Petroleum, consisting of crude oil and natural gas, seems to originate from organic matter in marine sediment.
This, has to originate from the individuals serving in the industry.
Several dream researchers have proposed the opposite path, suggesting that dreams originate in the regions that store memories and then connect to visual brain areas.
Therefore, new software that goes to "in production" has to comply with a set of requirements related to Shared resources, along with the constraints that originate on new systems.
Other applications running on the same processor can originate events and expose actions that are of interest to programs running in browsers.
As atomic business rules are defined, they should be traced to the business rule statements from which they originate, which in turn relate to business policy.
Q: Many of your TB cases originate from miners who work in South Africa and bring back TB to Lesotho. How do you stop the flow of TB coming into Lesotho?
WHO wishes to warn the public of these misleading practices that do not originate from WHO, and are not in any way associated with WHO projects or events.
Attacks in Afghanistan that are believed to originate from groups based in Pakistani territory have long been a source of contention between the two countries.
The vigesimal system (counting in base 20) is thought to originate from humans' fingers and toes.
These cells originate in the bone marrow and wind up in the brain, where their job is to fight off infections.
The enhancements to monitor version 6.0.2 include capability to allow monitoring of business activity and processes that may or may not originate in Modeler and may or may not be targeted for BPEL.
In Figure 7, IGAA advises Kathy that the problem could originate in a few different areas, which she may have to investigate in turn.
Now that we know that microglia originate in early embryos, theoretically we should be able to generate microglia from embryonic stem cells to treat brain diseases caused by defective microglia.
These forecasts originate from specially placed buoys out in the Pacific Ocean that send information to meteorologists regarding the size of the swells approaching the area.
How do we get from property of "mankind in common" to private property? How does private property originate? What justifies private property?
The syneresis is considered to originate from some condensation reactions of hydratable reactive groups in the crosslinked polymer networks.
The proportion of counterfeit goods seized at EU borders that originate in China fell to 60 percent last year from 80 percent in 2006, according to EU figures.
Again, it is important not to exaggerate the risks, since common sense is also required in the paper world in identifying the party from whom a sheet of letterhead appears to originate.
In FMR experiments, the phenomenon of the isotropic resonance field shift has been observed and assumed to originate from the rotatable anisotropy in the FM layer.
Too often policy filtered up from the bottom in response to events, complaints, or pleas that originate abroad.
The projections of the DFN to the spinal cord originate mainly from large and medium sized cells in the intermediate ventral part in DFN.
The projections of the DFN to the spinal cord originate mainly from large and medium sized cells in the intermediate ventral part in DFN.