If you tend to overeat because of depression, first take steps to recognize the source of your sadness.
And humans deprived of sleep soon begin to overeat.
And relieving stress helps avoid the urge to overeat.
By skipping meals, you are more likely to overeat later.
By prompting people to overeat to relieve their anxious or depressed states?
The benefit: You’ll be less likely to overeat in the hours that follow your meal.
If you have the willpower to quit smoking, you have the willpower not to overeat.
The NHS defines binge-eating as a disorder where the sufferer feels "compelled to overeat".
Any food is okay in moderation and depriving yourself may lead you to overeat something else.
Not only will you burn calories, but you'll release any stress that could be causing you to overeat.
Most cats can eat when they like but if you leave food out for dogs and greedy cats, they're likely to overeat.
They’re full of fiber, so you'll feel satisfied and less tempted to overeat or reach for a calorie-laden dessert.
They're full of fiber, so you'll feel satisfied and less tempted to overeat or reach for a calorie-laden dessert.
It’s important not to overeat on sweet fruits when we feel unhappy and need the emotional lift that sugar can bring.
Don't be too restrictive. Any food is okay in moderation and depriving yourself may lead you to overeat something else.
As for the calories, eating nuts does not appear to cause weight gain and even makes people feel full and less likely to overeat.
However, missing out on breaks is not only bad for your stress levels, eating while distracted may also mean you are more likely to overeat.
Glucophage lowers glucose levels and increases insulin sensitivity, so you'll be less hungry and less likely to overeat, explains Cederquist.
In this way, you can begin to identify which people and interactions make you feel stressed or likely to overeat, drink too much, or neglect your health.
Wang noted that behavioural studies have shown that women have a higher tendency than men to overeat when presented with tasty food or under emotional distress.
The findings, published in Nature Genetics, suggest that some people are effectively hardwired to overeat, through genes that control appetite, satiety and how many calories they burn.
Don't starve yourself during the early part of Thanksgiving Day, with the idea that you're just "saving room" for all the food, or that this will make it okay for you to overeat later.
Whatever you choose, from an aerobics class to downhill skiing, get involved in an activity that makes you feel free. In the process, you may be freeing yourself from the urge to overeat.
Our tendencies to overeat, and eat junk food "deprive ourselves and our intimates of the many psychological satisfactions and pleasures that can come from eating sustainably," Essig writes.
In many cases, we overeat, because on some level, we always want to be sure we have enough.
Portion distortion is one of the prime causes of America's obesity epidemic, yet most of us don't realize that we overeat — or that when it comes to reining in calories, serving size is crucial.
Portion distortion is one of the prime causes of America's obesity epidemic, yet most of us don't realize that we overeat — or that when it comes to reining in calories, serving size is crucial.