Smart basketball players or skilled musicians need to pay close attention to the demands of high performance, to the challenges to be overcome.
The most important rule is to pay close attention to how your body and legs feel.
To the grail prices afternoon, be going up is to drop not to pay close attention to.
Having a low hemoglobin level is something serious. You need to pay close attention to that.
We need to pay close attention to this issue and study ways to effectively resolve this issue.
My advice to any heartbroken young girl is to pay close attention to the study of theoretical physics.
So it is very important to pay close attention to the training of head nurses' quality and competence.
One has to pay close attention to English idioms in order to learn the language faster and use it better.
Its necessary to pay close attention to and differentiate the origin of Marx social history stage thought.
These questions cause a lot of design manufacture departments and research units to pay close attention to.
Studying history is not only to seek the anecdote in the recesses, but to pay close attention to the reality.
Later, I want to: I have to pay close attention to newspapers, not to let the grape vine cutting, when I fell off!
Studying design forces me to pay close attention to science and art, thus I can chat with different kinds of people.
It urged airline companies to pay close attention to the weather and improve contingency plans in case of flights delays.
You can pass the following contact contact us directly, welcome everybody to pay close attention to our official website.
When you look at auto sound systems it is important to pay close attention to the speakers on the system you are considering.
Whether you are listening to a spouse or a child, it is important to pay close attention to their verbal and non-verbal messages.
I began to pay close attention to what it was they were complaining about and the reasons behind their getting disappointed or upset.
Compere: I feel this is the problem that new investor CARES to this, but already some investor, what to pay close attention to more?
When looking to influence culture in a business organization, you need to pay close attention to how you measure and judge performance.
I have always believed that you have to pay close attention to what the other guy is thinking; Tim just anticipates what others might need.
Having realized that computers can, in turn, help us to promote our working efficiency, most of us begin to pay close attention to computer skills.
I think it is our serious responsibility to pay close attention to what our kids are listening to - to look at the albums and tapes they bring home.
With the success of Beijing Olympic Games, more and more people begun to pay close attention to the value that the Olympic Movement brings already.
It is very significant to pay close attention to and analyze its information communication characteristics from the Angle of mass communication theory.
Frequently-occurring of modern traffic accidents brings about people to pay close attention to traffic safety. Study of safety devices is being in ascendant.
Frequently-occurring of modern traffic accidents brings about people to pay close attention to traffic safety. Study of safety devices is being in ascendant.