It generally takes longer to pay off a debt consolidation loan and it's more expensive long-term.
A big plus for consumers is they will now be told how long it will take (and how much money it will cost) to pay off a debt making only monthly minimum payments.
Because falling prices make debt more expensive, indebted households would be more anxious to pay off loans, even as other consumers were benefiting from a boost to their purchasing power.
According to the public document, Woods is required to pay off the mortgage in full by January of 2016, giving him a mere five and a half years to shed the debt.
The court papers describe a “boiler room” atmosphere in which recruiters enrolled students who stood no chance of graduating and saddled them with debt they were unlikely to be able to pay off.
Saima became the tycoon of the neighborhood, and she was able to pay off her husband's entire debt, keep her daughters in school, renovate the house, connect running water and buy a television.
In fact, 83 percent — a minimum of 15 percent more people than in any other country polled — said they'd use a cash infusion to pay off debt or add to savings.
实际上,从83%的比例- - -比起其他国家至少高出15%,这个投票结果说明美国人把这现金都投入到偿还债务和储蓄中去了。
In fact, it now takes much less gold to pay off the U.S. debt than it did a decade ago.
In fact, it now takes much less gold to pay off the U. S. debt than it did a decade ago.
It also could mean talking about how you each use debt and the amount of debt you each have — and mapping out a plan to pay off as quickly as possible the combined debt you will have as a family.
For many people, it simply isn't enough to have a tactical plan to pay off debt.
A deal to pay off that debt was rejected in a referendum in March; a less onerous settlement is now being debated.
Once you leave us, you'll have a better chance for a good job and a way to pay off your debt and to give us more money when we call on you as alumni.
I've gotten very lucky - I don't yet have a family to support or any debt to pay off, and I've been able to save up enough money to keep me going for a while.
It's forbidden to sell the clothes you're wearing to pay off a gambling debt.
That might sound like a lot, but it would take 808.0 million pounds of gold to pay off the debt.
Debt is such a burden that it's worth scrimping for a few years, and even delaying graduate school, to pay off at least some of the debt.
Plan to use any windfalls you may receive this year (a bonus or tax refund) to pay off debt and pursue financial goals.
I finally paid off my credit card debt. We're not in the same boat anymore, Pete. Find a way to pay off yours quickly.
Debt is such a burden that it's worth scrimping for a few years, and even delaying graduate school, to pay off at least some of the debt.
Maybe I shouldn't be cynical, and these people are really only going to work for a few years, gain some experience, pay off their debt and start that business they've dreamed about.
You also can build up a sleep debt, which means you may want to take a nap to help pay it off.
Work harder, yes, but consume a little bit less so that they can have enough savings to pay off their debt - at least not let their debt grow larger and larger.
If you can't pay it off in full, transfer your debt to a lower-rate card.
More than likely, you'll be stuck in a cubicle, working to pay off your debt.
It may be an expensive lesson, but it may actually be better to just pay the debt off yourself rather than hook yourself into a payment arrangement that requires monthly contact to enforce.
It may be an expensive lesson, but it may actually be better to just pay the debt off yourself rather than hook yourself into a payment arrangement that requires monthly contact to enforce.