He was ordered to pay the company $500,000 on account pending a final assessment of his liability.
You used to get checks in the mail; now you go on a website and you'll see that your dividends are credited to your account, but money is growing in your account as companies pay out dividends.
"He began to pay a lot of attention to the e-mail account the messages were coming from," Gershon recalled. "He began to try and figure out what was going on.
Dutch or British, the men on the spot were no less ready to pocket their employers' money, making up for low pay with embezzlement and trading on their own account.
Not only did this proposal win si the account, it provided a new delivery channel to users on a pay-as-you-go basis.
这个建议不仅让SI赢得了这个项目,而且它也给用户提供了基于pay- as - you - go的一个新的交货渠道。
If an application deployed on a free account happens to use more resources than allocated, the standard pay-as-you-go fees will apply for what extra resources are used.
如果部署在免费账户上的应用程序使用的资源超过所分配的量,那么对使用的额外资源会按照标准的pay - as - you - go方式收费。
Standard Chartered customers who allow their account balances to fall below $10,000 on any single day in a month will pay a monthly charge of $100.
The Customer shall pay to the Company in cash, or as otherwise agreed, all sums when due, immediately and without reduction or deferment on account of any claim, counterclaim or set-off.
Maybe you can leave your Weibo account here, and the people who have interest on you can pay attention to you.
Grace: Yes. I want to pay for the things I bought in China. Can I draw on my account here?
If the customer has a credit approval they can buy on account, other customers will have to pay at the time of purchase.
When a deposit account customer has a large bill to pay and does not wish to carry cash, the bank can issue a cheque drawn on an account maintained.
I watch'd the pay-table on Saturday night, and collected what I stood engag'd for them, having to pay sometimes near thirty shillings a week on their account.
All Banks pay interest on savings account. The interest rate varies form bank to bank, but the general range is from 4.5 to 6 percent.
We suggest you to pay the deposit by Zhifubao, we have to confirm that your payment is already on our account.
Your account has not reached your preferred check size. Your points are calculated on the basis of your individual pay rate. Unpaid amounts will be automatically carried over to the next month.
Shi Benji financial management of zero-balance accounts and treasury units focus on Zero to pay the balance of the account, ad hoc special account reserved for the seal;
More on how to get this to work and what you'll have to pay attention to can be found in our tutorial for setting up and handling your email account.
如果您需要一个可以发送邮件,并且同时可以把 邮件重定向至另一个邮箱地址的电子邮件帐户 的话,我们非常乐意把如何实现此功能的方法在 这里告诉您!
Our meal plans will soon be available on-line, please pay attention to NOLA public account updates.
The new policy that takes effect on Oct. 12 said Alipay users need to pay a fee of 0.1 percent when they transfer money from the app's built-in digital wallet to a bank account.
支付宝表示,今后用户从应用程序中自带的电子钱包提现到银行卡需要按提现金额的0.1%支付服务费。 这项新规将于10月12日开始正式实施。
The new policy that takes effect on Oct. 12 said Alipay users need to pay a fee of 0.1 percent when they transfer money from the app's built-in digital wallet to a bank account.
支付宝表示,今后用户从应用程序中自带的电子钱包提现到银行卡需要按提现金额的0.1%支付服务费。 这项新规将于10月12日开始正式实施。