Jupiter in Taurus is bringing opportunity galore, and your only problem is likely to be to pick and choose among the best offers others present.
As a servant, you don't get to pick and choose when or where you will serve.
So that's the freedom to pick and choose which technologies you want to use based on your specific need.
But as his country descends even deeper into chaos, his ability to pick and choose his mediators is shrinking fast.
Instead, we tend to pick and choose among a wide variety of information sources that support what we already believe.
IIS has never really been able to pick and choose from its features and abilities, which had two significant drawbacks.
Out of this million things, we have to pick and choose, otherwise we'll forever be drowning in work and never get anything done.
Furthermore, as your article points out, private providers will be able to pick and choose what is popular and cheap for them to provide.
What are they going to pick and choose because sometimes you want them to mention certain things, and it's best to actually ask them to.
Klinger warns: "It's easy to take the policy implication too far and start trying to pick and choose where to settle in the product space."
There may be reasons you want to pick and choose recommendations; however, be aware that the performance benefit of your hand-picked set is unknown.
And when applicants are abundant and jobs are scarce, some employers say that they should be able to pick and choose candidates who carry no legal baggage.
In this part, you give the user control, and enable him or her to map new services into the ontology and to pick and choose the data used for a custom mashup.
In this part, you give the user control, enabling him or her to map new services into the ontology and to pick and choose the data that is used for a custom mashup.
In this tutorial, you give the user control, enabling him or her to choose from services in the ontology and to pick and choose the data that is used for a custom mashup.
In this part, you give the user control, and enable him or her to map new services into the ontology and to pick and choose the data that is used for a custom mashup.
I have many basic beliefs but as I try to pick and choose it seems to me that they all can be summarized in the word "character." Obviously, what you believe is a fundamental thing.
The entire enterprise IT environment should be designed to be highly modular, allowing developers to pick and choose a collection of services and applications that suits their needs.
Having a development process that enables an integrator to pick and choose which items of functionality should be integrated with or backed out from a release gives incredible flexibility.
Having the luxury to pick and choose what to eat was I suppose as alien a concept to him as were the habits of the hundreds of expats who drive around this town in their four wheelers.
The implication, Haggis said, was that he could "pick and choose" which tenets of Scientology to believe.
We must realize that we have the power to choose the words we use, and if we pick them carefully, they can change the way we feel.
Show the captain the yellow card for unsporting behaviour, and make it very clear to him that players cannot pick and choose who referees their games. He must respect you and your colleagues.
There is no one-stop crisis management center to ease that worry, but individuals can pick and choose courses that meet their greatest concerns.
"You can't pick and choose areas where you'd like to burn fat," Tyne says.
"You can't pick and choose areas where you'd like to burn fat," Tyne says.