Taliesin will also play host to an array of celebrations, but the most important challenge is the arduous work of helping Taliesin survive.
THE International Olympic Committee votes in Copenhagen on Friday October 2nd to determine which city will play host for the 2016 games.
It has all served to boost confidence in Fayyadism, as the host of initiatives in play is commonly referred to.
The games are expected to have a “legacy” too: for instance, encouraging children to play sport or redeveloping parts of the city, as London, host in 2012, intends.
Within the body tag lies the next piece: the building block tags, which play host to the layout, the information, and the search tools.
Dr. Michael Blanpied: The Pacific is ringed by plate boundaries, and those play host to some of the most frequent and dramatic earthquakes and volcanoes--the so-called "Ring of Fire."
迈 :太平洋被板块交界地带环绕,板块的交界引起了频繁且剧烈的地震和火山爆发,我们将这里成为“环太平洋火山地震带”。
Today, the polite and hospitable Thais play host to more than 8.5 million visitors annually, all of whom are eager to experience Thailand's ancient culture and sample its many attractions.
如今,礼貌又好客的泰国人每年要接待8500多万游客。 这些游客都迫不及待地想要体验泰国的古老文化,还可亲临许多引人入胜之处。
Beefed up and scruffy-faced, wearing sunglasses and undertaker’s basic black, he didn’t play to the crowd, flatter the host or flack for his latest film, “Two Lovers.”
The reason why parasites play a destructive role in our health is because through their need to survive they compromise and interfere with the function of the human host.
On the other hand, if we play with hurts without understanding the genesis, we run the risk of magnifying the problem and give rise to host of other disturbances.
You might witness several memorable changes this week as your house of self will play host to the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn.
Gasol and Jackson said a more realistic return date is next Wednesday when the Lakers play host to the Portland Trail Blazers.
Shanghai will play host to Olympic qualifier soccer games, but otherwise isn't an important venue for the August Games.
You now play the gracious host and offer a hot cup of coffee to members of the audience.
You're in the mood to play gracious host and entertain at home - or be an adventurous Aquarius and shake up your usual daily routine, as you escape into the great outdoors.
The middle of a period of time not to play, back when the 1.2 update, and full-class people around, and I gradually ghost host server.
Thus, drought stress appears to play an important role in the host selection behavior of ALB.
Boasting a panoramic vista over the city, the sky-high space is sure to play host to the capital's hottest events, accommodating up to 200 guests.
HOST: I found the fans take never response to Doha when their response they say basically he will be interested in the project provided men that Manchester united chose Liverpool play there.
After all The Times you've had us over for dinner, we'll get to play host for a change.
Host: How did you feel when you received offers to play professional football and why did you turn down the offers?
Newspaper gave heavy play to the success of Bejing in winning the bid to the host the 2008 Olympic Games.
A game controller is connected with a game host, thus leading a user to operate the game host and further implementing various game softwares to play games.
As the host of the 6-party talks, China will continue to play its unique constructive role for continued progress at the 6-party talks.
As the host of the 6-party talks, China will continue to play its unique constructive role for continued progress at the 6-party talks.