It's dangerous to play with fire.
You are not allowed to play with fire in the forest, for it might kill plants, animals and even people.
He displays fire fighters' equipment, including the oxygen mask, which he encourages his listeners to play with and put on.
But if my opponent wants to play dirty and talk about my personal life, I have no choice but to fight fire with fire and talk about some personal things we've found out about him.
I like to visit my neighbor because our two children get along like a house on fire. They can play with each other for hours.
I think most of us will not play with gunpowder. Because it's too easy to fire anywhere.
The fire brigade was called in and they used an extinguisher and a flaming torch to get rid of the bees with play resuming 20 minutes later even though not all the bees had gone.
Ships play very differently from land units: they have to be manoeuvred with the wind in mind, they fire massive broadsides at right angles to their direction of movement.
The game have adopted large amount of the hit effect, fire, freeze and witchcraft effect together with gorgeous background music, which makes the game being easy to play.
The game have adopted large amount of the hit effect, fire, freeze and witchcraft effect together with gorgeous background music, which makes the game being easy to play.