So, each year at this time, we renew our resolve against those who perpetrated this barbaric act of terror and who continue to plot against us – for we will never waver in defense of this nation.
With a plot furnished by Homer, against a setting by Dante,Ulysses is really not as difficult to comprehend as critics like to pretend.
This diabolical agent had the divine permission, for a season, to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy, and plot against his soul.
They used a kind of triangular graph paper to plot the three measurements against one another.
For I hear the slander of many; there is terror on every side; they conspire against me and plot to take my life.
Rather than anchoring our projected values to the first data point of 100%, what happens if we anchor against a later point in the plot?
With a plot furnished by Homer, against a setting by Dante, and with characters motivated by Shakespeare, Ulysses is really not as difficult to comprehend as critics like to pretend.
The final of Mexico 1986 was repeated, but this time Germany won, thanks to a favorable arbitrage and to a doubtful penalty. Maradona said that the " mafia " won and that there was a plot against him.
So, I've got here a term structure; well, the term structure is the plot of yield-to-maturity against time-to-maturity.
Ezio noble origin, but did not take long before he was involved in another plot against his family, so he decided to look for conspirators revenge.
It wasn't loyalty to him, it was a murderous plot against the wisest man in his kingdom!
British investigators have launched conspiracy to commit murder charges against 11 of the 23 suspects in the alleged plot to blow up trans-Atlantic airliners.
For example, to assess IT performance, a research firm or advisor may collect the client's data and create reports to plot client performance against a selected reference group.
All the while he RACES against time to defuse a plot that could have devastating effect on the birth of a new nation.
Sienna Brooks, and together they must race across Europe against the clock to foil a deadly global plot.
Acts 20:3 And spent three months there. And when a plot was made against him by the Jews as he was about to set sail for Syria, he resolved to return through Macedonia.
Please close to guard against theft system, it will give the driver in the process of transportation cause unnecessary trouble, in the end, ensure vehicle plot to match the front vehicle inspection.
We don't know who told Rebekah about Esau's plot against Jacob. But she knows there's no way to reason with Esau. Jacob will have to run.
We don't know who told Rebekah about Esau's plot against Jacob. But she knows there's no way to reason with Esau. Jacob will have to run.