This genetic variant seems to predispose people to depositing visceral fat as opposed to the more benign subcutaneous fat.
This gene comes in different versions; one version - let's call it "troublesome" - appears to predispose people to obesity.
The reason was that Mr Brin had recently discovered that he has inherited from his mother a mutation of a gene called LRRK2 that appears to predispose carriers to familial Parkinson’s.
因为布林先生最近发现,他从母亲那里遗传了一个变异的基因LRRK2。 研究显示,变异的LRRK2可能使得有家族患病史的携带者患帕金森氏症的几率增加。
They take pains to hire people whose personalities predispose them to serve customers well.
What is more, failure to consider the perspectives of such partners will potentially predispose them to work with other vendors with whom they will have better opportunities for collaboration.
It is possible that genes predispose some people to optimism, and that the same genes affect health and longevity.
"Engaging in one type of environmentally friendly behavior can predispose one to engage in similar behaviors, inhibit other behaviors, or even increase environmentally harmful behaviors," said Swim.
The link between impulsivity and gambling beliefs suggests to us that high impulsivity can predispose a range of more complex distortions - such as superstitions - that gamblers often experience.
While such genetic similarity usually has detrimental effects, in these hotspots it seems to have united and maintained genetic variants that predispose people to a long life.
The nature of the stimulus may predispose some children to attention problems.
Because scientists have found that having the gene for a certain dopamine receptor could predispose you to being influenced by the sight of other people drinking.
Insufficient sleep impairs learning, impulse control, and judgment. It appears to even predispose people to disease.
Scientists have discovered a host of genetic factors that predispose people to heart attacks, in the largest medical study of its kind.
The frail elderly often suffer from a combination of multiple chronic diseases that jointly produce disability and predispose them to vulnerability in the face of acute illness.
The MATS that you see at driving ranges that are made of rubber are very, very firm, and they predispose you to having injuries.
Medical conditions associated with onychocryptosis include diabetes, obesity, as well as thyroid, cardiac, and kidney diseases that may predispose to lower extremity edema.
Using the latest technology, scientists will screen tissue samples from the study looking for genetic variants that may predispose individuals to develop early atherosclerosis.
Researchers found that this process could predispose obese patients to type 2 diabetes.
However, extensive soft-tissue resection in close proximity to the rectum may predispose patients to wound complications and infection.
Patients who take ICS may have other corticosteroid exposures, or have other conditions that predispose them to side effects, making the analysis of the ICS risk challenging.
Because identical twins share the same genes and fraternal twins do not, the researchers could identify common genes that result in certain personality traits and predispose people to happiness.
It has been theorized that a prenatal hormonal imbalance may predispose individuals to the disorder.
Devices that fail to adequately replicate the physiologic kinematics of the lumbar spine may predispose the patient to facet joint degeneration.
His modesty and generosity predispose people to like him.
All people will carry some genes that predispose them to one condition and that protect them against others.
Conclusion Burn may predispose to production of soluble adhesion molecule which closely correlated with the severity and the infection.
There are probably going to be things called SNPs – Genetic abnormalities – that predispose or make one more resistant to fatty liver disease.
There are probably going to be things called SNPs – Genetic abnormalities – that predispose or make one more resistant to fatty liver disease.