Not feel any difficulties, just feel in the UK, seeing a doctor can rest assured some, it is no need to worry about the doctor to prescribe medicine disorderly.
Partly under its aegis, 27 potential anti-TB drugs are at various points along the pipeline that leads from a promising molecule to a medicine that doctors can prescribe.
I'm going to prescribe some medicine.
He thought regulatory approval should be sought for doctors to prescribe aspirin as a preventive medicine for those at a higher risk of bowel cancer.
They said their findings, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, might help persuade doctors to ease off on the antibiotics they prescribe for patients in the hospital.
It makes no sense to prescribe an expensive patented medicine for the sniffles when something that costs cents will do the job.
Most of the cough medicine has no effect, some how they are more the comfort cure to the parents rather than to the child, and he won't prescribe that . In most case, cough will go after 4or 5 days.
Physicians will prescribe medicine or suggest other ways to help ease side effects.
I'd like some medicine for my diarrhea. doctor: What did the previous doctor prescribe to you?
I'd like some medicine for my diarrhea. doctor: What did the previous doctor prescribe to you?