Also, cover the mouth when coughing and sneezing to prevent the flu bug from escaping into the air.
Alicia Fry led the team. Doctor Fry says it is better to prevent the flu than to have to treat it. And the best form of prevention, she says, is getting vaccinated each year against influenza.
The seed of the idea came during the bird flu scare in 2004, when hundreds of millions of poultry birds were killed to prevent the spread of the H5N1 flu strain.
她的这一创意源于2004年的禽流感恐慌,为了阻止H5N 1流感传播,当时有千百万吨普通家禽被杀。
With MMS added to the humidifier it helps to prevent a recurrence of the cold or flu.
Researchers have already claimed that the report, which is published in the journal Nature Chemical Biology, could lead to new ways to prevent and treat flu.
RetroScreen will be testing Gilbert's vaccine this September - the first-ever trials designed to see if a potential universal flu vaccine can prevent infection or reduce disease severity.
Thirteen children would have to be treated to prevent one additional case of the flu, they said.
他们称,必须对13 个小孩使用这种药物才能防止增加一个流感病例。
Russian officials said Moscow would ban British poultry imports from Tuesday to prevent the spread of bird flu.
John: Sure, you should avoid direct contact with chickens, ducks and other birds. This is the best way to prevent infection with the bird Flu Viruses.
At Mexico City's international airport, passengers were questioned to try to prevent anyone with flu symptoms from boarding airplanes and spreading the disease.
People with fever and other flu symptoms should see a doctor and wear a mask to prevent the disease from spreading, medical experts advised.
Sealing a business deal with a handshake could be a thing of the past after a leading scientist claims we should keep our hands to ourselves to prevent the spread of infectious diseases like flu.
据报道,一位首席科学家称,我们的双手只应供自身接触,以避免传染性疾病的传播, 比如说流感。这样一来,用握手来确认生意成交或将成为过去时。
The death toll from the H1N1 swine flu virus is edging higher in India even as officials race to prevent more infections.
A bishop in Britain has advised churches not to use holy water in order to prevent the spread of swine flu.
Currently, there is no vaccine for influenza A. the seasonal influenza vaccine is a mix to prevent the strains most likely to go around during an upcoming flu season.
OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the potential of nasal isotonic saline application to prevent reappearance of cold and flu in children during the winter.
During coping the paroxysm of the H1N1 (Swine) flu, U. s. and the world showed the economic power and abilities to prevent and control the influenza and also exposed some weaknesses.
美国以及世界各国在应对此次甲型H1N 1流感爆发中展示了应对流行疾病防控能力和经济实力,当然,也暴露了不少不足之处。
Mexico City has banned restaurants and cafes from serving all food except takeaways in a bid to help prevent the spread of the deadly swine flu virus.
The promotional film I was shooting for UNICEF was to teach people how to prevent Avian Flu, and to advise children not to touch birds and poultry.
Many cases of swine flu now are occurring in summer camps, and the CDC has posted on its Web site a "guidance" that describes how best to prevent the spread of the virus in those Settings.
Many cases of swine flu now are occurring in summer camps, and the CDC has posted on its Web site a "guidance" that describes how best to prevent the spread of the virus in those Settings.