You'll find other ways to procrastinate.
If you're going to procrastinate, do other productive things instead.
It's easy to procrastinate when the deadline seems infinitely far away.
You will try to procrastinate on that big task by working on the three tasks below it.
You must change the habits and behaviors that led you to procrastinate in the first place.
But in order to procrastinate on that dreaded item, I crank through a bunch of other things on my list.
If you've got work to do, and who doesn't, don't use dealing with email as an excuse to procrastinate!
Do you absolutely, positively have to get this done now? Just remember - this isn't an excuse to procrastinate.
You'll also be much less tempted to procrastinate – which is a symptom of having a lot of resistance to your work.
Learn to identify your tendency to procrastinate and then act on what matters, even if you feel uncomfortable at first.
While the inclination to procrastinate is common, one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays.
There comes a time when exploring and thinking and noodling cease being productive and become just another way to procrastinate.
In any case, time passes, regardless of whether you choose to procrastinate or if you plan your life into the smallest of details.
Extend your deadlines. Do you absolutely, positively have to get this done now? Just remember - this isn't an excuse to procrastinate.
Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the 'someday I'll' philosophy.
The other thing is that there are so many more distractions out there these days that if you want to procrastinate, it’s much easier to do.
Writing your resume often becomes one of those tasks that is easy to procrastinate even in the middle of the crisis caused by not having it.
Now, knowing I can do this in one niche, do you think I’m really going to procrastinate about building websites in other niches in the future?
When you don't set a deadline to complete your book. There isn't a sense of urgency. And when something isn't urgent, you tend to procrastinate.
Sometimes, when we hit these feelings of overwhelm we tend to procrastinate because we don't feel prepared to tackle what seems like a huge process.
If you're trying to run in the morning, get your running clothes out the night before, so you don't even have time to procrastinate when you wake up.
In any case, time passes, regardless of whether you choose to procrastinate or if you plan your life into the smallest of details. - Maria bergstrom.
I might not do the thing at the top of my list. But in order to procrastinate on that dreaded item, I crank through a bunch of other things on my list.
Old before above someone lets sb know, let shut BBS, but do not have official outgoing message all the time, we are supporting to procrastinate came down.
As far as the immediacy of the FIA's actions are concerned, Max has made it clear that to procrastinate risked watching the sport disappear down the toilet.
Structured procrastination teaches you to procrastinate on the most important task on your list... what if that task happens to be the one thing that matters?
JAMES SUROWIECKI: I don't really know-they certainly are a tool that people use to procrastinate, but they're also, in some circumstances, really rewarding and engaging.
JAMES SUROWIECKI: I don't really know-they certainly are a tool that people use to procrastinate, but they're also, in some circumstances, really rewarding and engaging.