But in British English it means to put something off the agenda.
Unlike the rest of us they are not DE facto prioritizing their activities, they are actually actively expending mental energy to put something off.
Have you ever put off "something" to "tomorrow", "next month" or even "next year"?
If there’s something that I’ve been putting off for awhile, something that put fear into my heart, I put that at the top of my list for today, and put a bunch of other things I need to do below that.
It all sounds like something we can afford to put off worrying about until next month or next year.
When I pried off the plywood over a window and climbed in, I found something I could put my hands to.
Dreading or fearing something makes us want to put it off, to postpone even thinking about it, and to do something easy and safe instead.
When we dread something, we put it off — but instead, if we can learn to enjoy it, it won’t be as hard or dreadful.
So if you take the drag off the economy by nonproductive implementation of capital what you're going to see is that capital is then going to be put to use in something that is productive.
I was so afraid, you know, that something would happen to put it off, and then I should have gone quite distracted.
Think about the last time you needlessly put off something you knew you needed to get done.
Sometimes I seem as though I can sense when something is going to happen so if you can put me off the scent first, you have got me.
Many people put off until tomorrow what they can do today. They always look for excuses to postpone doing something.
Whether this was to cool off the charcoal fire or to put water in the radiator was something I have not discovered to this day.
Of course we want to put off starting something we're anxious or uncertain about – but the task won't go away just because you're trying to ignore it.
When you don't feel like doing something, you tend to put it off, but it's often after we get involved in a task that we become highly motivated.
To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
工作 (尤其是出于懒惰或习惯性的粗心疏忽)的人。
To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
工作 (尤其是出于懒惰或习惯性的粗心疏忽)的人。