Also, if you go to our "Buy a Car" section, you can select a model, configure it how you like and then request a free dealer price quote.
To accept the price you quote would leave us only a small profit on our sales because the principle demand in our city is for articles in the medium price range.
In another instance a policy checks the time-to-live value from a stock market price quote to see if it can respond to a request from the stock value stored in the service database.
在另外一个例子里,策略从一个股票价格行情的引用里检查time - to - live的值,由这个值决定是否从服务数据库里获取股票价格来响应请求。
SAX2BestDeal has a few instance variables to store the content of the current name and price-quote.
SAX2BestDeal有几个实例变量来存储当前name和price - quote的内容。
Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we'd certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis.
We have sent a letter to you last week, requesting you to quote us the lowest price CIF5%. Have you worked it out?
We want to buy a manganese oxide with 62% PLS send us your spec and your quote price FOB.
I need a couple of your SB2000 speedboats to rent to guests. Can you give me a price quote?
Pleas quote us your happen to best price a singled let us know the minimum quishi-ty for every order.
Dealer markets achieve liquidity through market makers, who must stand ready to buy or sell a specific quantity of stocks at the price they quote.
More precisely, for one day 'quote, the implied volatility is a function of two parameters: the strike price and the time to maturity, exhibiting a surfaced shape.
To a certain extent, a new way must be put forward to quote price exactly and to increase the possibility of win bid.
Nancy:This is something a taxi driver might say to you, especially in tourist areas that that his meter isn't working, and he will just quote you a price.
当你做计程车出去游玩时,突然司机师傅对你说“计价器坏了” 想想…这还真是叫人头疼的事。
To accept the price you quote would leave us only a small profit on our sales because the principle demand in our city is for articles in the medium price range.
To accept the price you quote would leave us only a small profit on our sales because the principle demand in our city is for articles in the medium price range.