It is of their essence not to be neutral but to raise a claim to men's obedience, allegiance, decision or judgment.
While placing our order we emphasized that any delay in delivery would definitely add to the cost of the goods. That is why we have to raise a claim on refunds for the loss incurred.
At that point, claim the EU's and IMF's economists, Greece will have returned to growth and reached a primary budget surplus (ie, it will raise more revenue than it spends, before interest).
Consent is a defense that a defendant may raise to the plaintiff's claim that an intentional tort has been committed.
Inventions, discoveries, and new ideas raise the question of what proofs a person can use to validate a claim to ownership.
To lodge claim, to defense, to raise an objection of the court, to compromise, to file a counterclaim, to file an appeal, to admit, waive or modify claims.
While he is in Ireland, he has hired Jack Cade to raise trouble in England, to say he is a York with a claim to the throne, to see what is the public response to such a gesture.
We regret to inform you that the goods are short-landed by 480 kilos; therefore we raise a claim against you.
We regret to inform you that the goods are short-landed by 480 kilos; therefore we raise a claim against you.