In the last decade or so, advances in technology have allowed mass-market labels such as Zara, H&M, and Uniqlo to react to trends more quickly and anticipate demand more precisely.
在过去十年左右的时间里,科技的进步让Zara 、H&M和优衣库等大众品牌能够更快地对潮流做出反应,更准确地预测需求。
France 24 can be slow to react to breaking news.
And systems should be able to react to supplied data by triggering events.
And I want that to react to give me sodium chloride as a solid and crystal.
What kinds of systems and processes are in place to react to these situations?
It organizations have had to react to this trend, with varying speeds of adoption.
A special hook, hook_taxonomy, allows modules to react to changes in the taxonomy.
特殊的钩子hook _taxonomy使模块能够反映分类法中的变化。
I realized that sooner or later, I would have to react to my parents' expectations.
Also, the faster you drive, the less time you have to react to hazardous road conditions.
Regularly testing the architecture for its ability to react to the inevitable changes.
It is usually going to be slow to start to react to a crisis, but quick to finally nail it.
The ability to react to and adapt to organizational change is a fundamental strategy for a SOA.
Doing so gives team members an opportunity to react to a failure state in a controlled situation.
EDA defines an architectural pattern for applications that are designed to react to these events.
Not to react to a stimulus immediately but to get hold of the instincts that inhibits and checks.
It can become easy to react to daily concerns without trying to get more results out of our actions.
This is why we spend all day hitting refresh buttons waiting to react to messages that don’t matter.
With these two mechanisms, it's easy for you to react to users changing the orientation of their browser.
The technologies offer rapid prototyping, it enables the customer to react to it and come up with new ideas.
The women took slightly longer than the men to react to jokes that were funny - but were quicker to spot duds.
Instead, you're forced to react to the situation and scramble to correct the problems caused by sudden changes.
But he was slow to see that a housing bubble masked a loss of competitiveness, and slower still to react to the crash.
Accidentally slamming a door next to the sleeping baby's crib, she noticed that he had failed to react to the sound.
What granularity should my services be at so that I maximize reuse and enable quick changes to react to market forces?
Sometimes you tend to react to something in a negative way which causes stress, depression or other negative emotions.
I'm not a maid - and I'm not suggesting you become one either - but I get to decide how I'm going to react to a situation.
I'm not a maid - and I'm not suggesting you become one either - but I get to decide how I'm going to react to a situation.