Nerve cells have limited ability to regenerate if destroyed.
The government will continue to try to regenerate inner-city areas.
They decided a housing cooperative was the way to regenerate the area.
This involves moving young coral from a healthy reef onto a degraded reef, in an attempt to regenerate the degraded reef by encouraging young healthy coral to take over.
She says: "I believe that the day is not far off when we will be able to prescribe drugs that cause severed spinal cords to heal, hearts to regenerate and lost limbs to regrow."
Run mkconfig to regenerate CruiseControl's config.xml file.
请运行mkconfig重新生成CruiseControl的config . xml文件。
In those cases, we recommend to regenerate the associated XSL file.
If so, you need to regenerate the plug-in. To do this, follow these steps.
Once generated, the JCL can be resubmitted without the need to regenerate it.
The project has established nurseries and plantations to regenerate the forest.
Before starting your web service, you need to regenerate the web server plug-in.
There are two main approaches to efforts aimed at inducing hair cells to regenerate.
As you can see, we've also chosen to regenerate the SSL certificates as part of this change.
These fantastic shellfish can afford to lose an eye, too, as they are able to regenerate them.
And finally, you don't need an external tool to regenerate the code every time you make a change.
With stronger body cells, your body will be able to regenerate and repair the damage cells faster.
Where communities were given degraded forest and instructed to regenerate it, they generally did so.
Stem cells can be used to regenerate damaged organs and tissue because they are the earliest form of cells.
"It is our first step towards the goal — to regenerate organs that could replace damaged or lost ones," he said.
Former lovers, friends or partners may reappear, bringing opportunities for healing in order to regenerate your energy.
When Sajax calls are made in the application, the to_window function is used as a callback to regenerate HTML on the page.
当应用程序进行Sajax调用时,to _ window作为回调函数在页面上重新生成HTML。
The company believes the same technology can be used to regenerate other damaged tissue, perhaps in the heart, kidneys or bones.
The axolotl salamander is able to regrow its limbs and even damaged organs. But it loses its ability to regenerate as it grows older
This lets you continue the debugging session, and avoid having to regenerate and restart the debug session at each error or breakpoint.
One downside is the need to regenerate the capital base once every generation, though some have mitigated this by bringing in outsiders.
Researchers hope their work can unlock secrets to protect human hair cells from becoming damaged and to stimulate the cells to regenerate.
If this site does not maintain state in a cookie or other means, the generation of the iFrame needs to regenerate the targeted information.
如果此站点不使用Cookie或其他方法维护状态,iF rame生成操作还需要重新生成目标信息。
If this site does not maintain state in a cookie or other means, the generation of the iFrame needs to regenerate the targeted information.
如果此站点不使用Cookie或其他方法维护状态,iF rame生成操作还需要重新生成目标信息。