We will be patiently waiting for you to remit money to us, and hope it won't take a long time.
What's more, there are troublesome procedure to remit money abroad, and my register fee willl be made up after my arrivial at the meeting.
Many immigrants regularly remit money to their families.
Three months no salary; which meant they had to live, pay their rent, school for their children, remit money back to rural areas - all that went.
Anyone who wants to donate money can contact me through QQ or mailbox and meantime send your name to me. Then I will send you a bank account to which you can remit your money.
想要捐钱的朋友可以在QQ或者邮箱上联系我,把你们的姓名报给我,然后我会通过邮箱把深大一个同学的平安卡账号和他的名字发给你, 到时你通过网上或者柜台转账过去就行了, 等把钱收齐以后我们会统一汇给那位朋友!
The foreign customer uses the west to unite the remittance, please, remit money message please get in touch us , please notify us in time after remitting money.
Without money to remit to Shanghai, he couldn't replenish his stock.
You want to use which kinds of means remit money to me?
You want to use which kinds of means remit money to me?