The court laid the young thief under an obligation to report to the police station once a week.
Marcie was one of the 1, 500 respondents to the CER survey, who, after being raped, decided to report to the police.
The police won't look into your case unless you report it, and apparently these people are unable to report to the police.
When people face dangerous, they can use cell phone to dial 110 to report to the police or ask for help from friends nearby.
I remember there were two or three shop-assistants behind the counter. Before we wanted to report to the police, the robber had run away.
In Switzerland, if you were simply to anticipate a traffic light, the chances are that the motorist behind you would take your number and report you to the police.
For example, in the case of rape women were once too embarrassed to report the crime to a male dominated police force that was awash with sexist beliefs about women and their position in society.
I was prepared to report the case to the police and prosecutors if necessary but could hardly be confident whether I would be taken seriously.
All of the volunteers were then asked to rate how immoral it would be for someone to take an abandoned bicycle rather than report the bicycle to the police.
Assuming that video spam takes off, the best thing the site could do to police online content is to include a "report spam" button for videos themselves, as it now has for video comments only.
"Okay..." he replied, still not sure whether to believe me-but he seemed pretty happy that the police report only took a few minutes to fill out.
So far no muggers have been brought to book by the unit, the Asahi said, and Aichi police declined to comment to AFP on the report.
Ms Harman is pleased that the potential charges of leaving the scene of an accident without exchanging particulars and failing to report an accident to the police have been dropped.
After a drive-through employee failed to respond to the man's threat of contacting the police, the irate diner called 911, a police report alleges.
It's very common nowadays to hear about someone who has been mugged, but [that they are] not going to report it to the police because they are convinced nothing would be done.
But even if a woman manages to file a police report and her accuser is charged and the case goes to trial, there's another hurdle.
They had come to town seeking treatment for Mr Bhosle's father, who lost an eye in the attack, and to report the incident to the police.
To qualify for the special squad, police have to be young, slim and hold the top rank of a black belt in a martial art such as karate or judo, the report said.
In San Antonio people are under strict orders to curb their water use, and if you see your neighbours watering the lawn you are supposed to report them to the police.
I wasn't even allowed to open the window. My employers always threatened to report me to the Home Office or the police.
She wonders why Billy is the only one getting beaten up, and why school officials are so reluctant to punish bullies and report assaults to the police.
According to the Guardian's report of the meeting, police "acknowledged that they 'needed to do more' with regard to learning how to use social media" to the representatives present.
According to a report published on Friday (25) by the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, after a year of unsuccessful attempts, the U.S. federal police returned the equipment to Brazil in April.
根据Folhade S.Paulo报周五(25日)出版的报告所言,美国联邦警察历经一年的尝试,仍未破解硬盘的加密代码,只能于今年四月将硬盘归还巴西。
The police then go to the next door neighbor to verify this report and the lady next door tells the police, "You can't believe her."
Shortly after sending the letter on Tuesday morning, Lupoe called police to report that he had returned home to find that "my whole family has been shot."
Shortly after sending the letter on Tuesday morning, Lupoe called police to report that he had returned home to find that "my whole family has been shot."