He wanted to have a source of income after his retirement; until then, he wouldn't require additional money.
Some ideas can make a difference build more barrier free facilities and employ more workers to protect them but hard to be put into practice, because both of them require money.
Of course we require him to pay us back for these damages, but he falls so far into debt that he never has any money and stops caring about it.
The best marketing doesn't require any money to be spent on PR or advertising.
These warehouses act like data silos and require effort, money, and expertise to mine for business knowledge.
Spend some time looking at the stuff you do every day, especially the ones that require you to spend money, and ask yourself if they're really necessary or could be replaced.
They do not require you to cut out key food groups, consume special foods, take vitamin supplements or spend a lot of money.
With the global economy on the rocks, businesses everywhere are desperately searching for ways to save money or boost revenue-even if they require collaboration with the enemy.
The monetary systems of both the U.S. and Europe require confidence on the part of investors to operate given that the money is largely backed by faith, not gold.
This type of deposit is suitable for customers who do not require access to their money for a certain period of time.
Millennium Villages require continuing external inputs-not just fertilizer and other technology, but the money to pay for them-and that is not a sustainable solution.
Of course, this will require that you are completely honest with yourself to avoid "investing" money on short-lived whims or fancies.
On the other hand, if the houses are to be earthquake proof, it will require supervision, some extra time, and a little more money.
The optimal ways to make money from the written word probably require different words written by different people.
A climate agreement can still be reached in Copenhagen but this will require rich nations to agree more money and bigger cuts in their emissions.
That effort foundered when Irish Banks passed the test, only to require tens of billions of euros in new bailout money just months later.
The statement sought to ensure that banks understood the downgradewould not affect the amount of money that regulators require banks to hold ontoagainst possible losses.
Some retail Banks require depositors to put equal amounts of money into other, more profitable, products.
Small planes are generally costly, loud, require months of training and lots of money to operate, making flying to work impractical for most people.
[font=Times New Roman]A sensible solution to Venezuela's overexpansion would require reining in spending and the growth of the money supply.
They did not require an accounting from those to whom they gave the money to pay the workers, because they acted with complete honesty.
It will also require that salaries for top executives be tied to the bank's performance while allowing some pay to be confiscated if Banks lose money.
In entering into a contract for loan of money, the lender may require the borrower to provide assurance.
Issuing stock is advantageous for the company because it does not require the company to pay back the money or make interest payments along the way.
It saes about 75 percent of the time compared to other methods. It saes money, and the process is irtually painless since it does not require the traditional impression.
DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz reported that Big Brothers Big Sisters mixed the grants with other funds and didn't require local affiliates to document what they had done with the money.
DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz reported that Big Brothers Big Sisters mixed the grants with other funds and didn't require local affiliates to document what they had done with the money.