This is the case, we are compelled to reserve the right to lodge a claim against you.
The addressee has stated to reserve the right of indemnity at the time the partially damaged or pilfered mail item is received.
But it is also possible, and perhaps more common, to reserve the right to define profiles, and to grant access to those profiles, to the RACF administrators.
Many businesses are intrigued by the ability to reserve the right to choose the implementer of the service based upon a set of potentially changing business agreements and requirements.
It is agreed in the contract that consumers reserve the right to cancel the order if the delivery is postponed.
Rooms are usually full right after dinner time, but you can sign up the day before to reserve a room if you want.
I've been an on and off social smoker for ages and never got hooked, so I reserve the right to have one on a fun night.
All poker sites reserve the right to do this if you contravene their terms and conditions.
They reserve the right to tweak this algorithm whenever they feel it is necessary, often without warning or any obvious outside influence.
Winners must be aged over 18. We reserve the right to change these conditions.
Erich Gamma: Yes, and the explanation from the Angle of the provider is that I need some freedom and reserve the right to change the implementation.
At least that person speaking has had certain adventures which are fictitious, or at least I reserve the right to have you suppose that they are fictitious.
Some courts might want to address this irony by saying that the distributor must reserve this right and this ability - and thus must expose itself to a vicarious infringement claim.
If that judgment is right, the squalls stirred up by the credit crises have moved at least one currency-the world's reserve money-closer to fair value.
And finally, it is our principle to carry out a tour strictly according to the set itinerary, but we reserve the right to make any changes due to some unforeseen circumstances.
The United States must reserve the right to act unilaterallyif necessary to defend our nation and our interests, yet wewill also seek to adhere to standards that govern the use of force.
To counter the risk of a false alarm, the regulator would reserve the right to declare a bank solvent after an audit.
That is, the right to currency release will be more back in the control of Federal Reserve.
But analysts caution that right now the renminbi is far from ready to mount a serious challenge to the United States dollar as the world's leading reserve currency.
The Organizer and the Participants reserve the right to adjust the schedules, venues and contents of exhibitions or performances, provided that prior notice is given.
Currently Microsoft does not make money of the Tag technology itself, though it does reserve the right to charge for commercial USES in the future.
He wants to deprive all his fellows of the right to act in order to reserve this privilege for himself alone.
We would like to remind you that we reserve the right to cancel it and refuse delivery after this date.
We reserve the right to conduct additional inspections of incoming goods.
We reserve the right to conduct additional inspections of incoming goods.