The criminal therefore recruits a money mule in the victim's country who will receive money transfers and merchandise and resend them to the criminal in return for a commission.
The bad bank could retain a modest commission, perhaps 5 percent, and return the net proceeds of asset sales to each bank.
William Deng heads a commission supervising the return of ninety thousand former fighters to civilian life.
The items were finally bought for two million dollars including commission by Indian liquor and airline baron Vijay Mallya, who said he planned to return them to India.
此次拍卖的物品最终被印度白酒和航空大亨Vijay Mallya以200玩美元(包括佣金)买下,他表示将会把这些东西带回印度。
The Commission will return to this issue in a green paper on urban transport due later this year.
A survey conducted for the European Commission in 2003 estimated that 400,000 EU-born scientific researchers are working in the United States; and three out of four have no plans to return.
A buyer can similarly contract with a real estate agent to find a property on the terms specified in return for a commission.
Meanwhile, a property claims commission should be established to gather unlawfully amassed assets and return them to their rightful owners.
The real estate agent agrees to try to find a buyer on the terms specified in return for the seller's promise to pay a commission if the agent is successful.
The building was declared safe by 10:30 a. m. and the children were allowed to return, although the elevator remained out of commission.
The building was declared safe by 10:30 a. m. and the children were allowed to return, although the elevator remained out of commission.