To review the purpose of the offense have a significant meaning in the criminal law practice.
I don't know what poor Jeff Gleckel thought was going on, but he never talked to me about the law review again.
Three legal scholars have written law review articles that wrestle with the problems of applying the Fourth Amendment to cyberspace and to our computer-mediated world in general.
Obama spent 40 to 60 hours per week on Harvard Law Review, and he earned the top 10% ranking in his class.
More important, Eric Holder, the attorney-general, directed a prosecutor to review whether interrogators may have broken the law.
Critics have accused admissions officers of using the review process as a means to reinstate racial preferences in violation of the law.
He went on to attend law school, where he became the first African-American President of the Harvard law Review.
This paper, with a review of modern library legislation, expounds the necessity for China to draw up library law, and examines the problems library legislation is confronted in China at present.
But I decided to try again and went to see Clifford Mills, the dean of Westminster Cortege of law-a poor man 's school with no tenured professors or law review.
McDull law of five, to know how to cherish the guard, everyone around you, because the neck is broken, Review of past lives that we encounter in exchange for a life!
However, as for the boundary of this crime and joint offence of assault and battery, to review the purpose of offence have a significant meaning in the criminal law practice.
Once the infringement of news review occurs, it brings a particular relationship of right and duty between relative journalist and victim which demands the law to adjust.
Therefore, this article attempts to the human dimensions of property rights, property rights legislation from humanity and the human review of the existing property law such as this discussion.
The review could lead to a formal investigation if authorities find evidence that CACE violated New York law.
It is of theory and practical significance to review and prospect the research and legislation of China's consumer credit law at the backdrop of financial crisis.
The review procedure is established in the civil procedure law of our country by endowing the litigant with the right to apply for the review to the court.
Our Social Law 2010-2013 annual review and combing research, contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the research status of social law.
Parliamentary panels will review the proposal, then send it to parliament for consideration. If approved, it will become law.
Article 54 of the administrative Procedure Law provides legal basis for the jurisdiction to modify administrative ACTS, which means full judiciary review on the administrative discretion.
我国行政诉讼法第5 4条的规定,为司法变更行为提供了法律依据,司法变更行为是司法权对行政自由裁量权的完全审查。
A few days to review this the law to a public opinion expressed worry about the items, what, don't have doubts.
With respect to revising the administrative Procedure Law, scholars have reached a consensus on taking abstract administrative ACTS, namely, administrative regulatory documents into judicial review.
With the increasing emphasis on the study of the human rights problem, it is necessary to have a comprehensive review and self-criticism of the guarantee system to human rights in military law.
While analyzing this policy with the theories of economic law, we have to review the negative as well as positive effects that have been seen after the policy implementation.
When we review the labour law today, we find that there are much too limitations on the labour dispute settlement system with regard to the protection of employee.
Article 4 all members of a collegial panel shall review the files of a case which is tried without court hearing according to law, and submit written file review opinions when necessary.
We received a good mark on the Legal Service Review provided by our law firm to our customer Langfang EPRI Toshiba Arrester Co.
We received a good mark on the Legal Service Review provided by our law firm to our customer Langfang EPRI Toshiba Arrester Co.