Luckily, it turns out Cinderella has a fairy godmother, who USES her magic to hook Cinderella up with a ride, a beautiful outfit and a pair of what would seem like grossly impractical glass heels.
It was cool to hang out in Macedonia in the middle of the night, but the six-hour bus ride to get there wasn't that great.
However, as she rushed around preparing, she began to feel guilty about all the lies. She got rid of her guilt by telling herself she would have fun with the pizza, the party and a moonlight ride out.
We shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone.
Both hold financial assets, like corporate debt, that have incurred losses, but the nature of insurers' liabilities should allow them to ride out short-term volatility.
The country would not have to draw down the line of credit unless it needed to; but the credit's existence would give investors confidence in its ability to ride out the storm.
Lehman's latest problems stemmed from the departure of a Korean suitor, throwing into doubt its efforts to raise capital to ride out big losses on property, mortgages and leveraged loans.
Indeed a lesson of recent economic history is that countries and regions that ride out a crisis well are all the more vulnerable to the next one.
What's less obviously explained is how he has managed to ride out the storm over tuition fees without taking very much of the blame.
Smaller fashion companies like Versace are under the most pressure, because they lack the financial firepower and economies of scale that larger rivals are tapping to ride out Japan's economic woes.
Tens of thousands of people were evacuated from North Carolina's barrier islands, but some residents hunkered down at home to ride out the storm.
“They seemed very eager and very passionate about helping the people of Haiti, but they didn’t have a ride to get out of the airport, ” said Blank, who had to direct the pair to assistance.
“They seemed very eager and very passionate about helping the people of Haiti, but they didn’t have a ride to get out of the airport,” said Blank, who had to direct the pair to assistance.
All you have to do, it turns out, is start your picks in the bottom of a bear market but close to a recovery, then ride out the next 10-year bull market, right?
Mother expression without hesitation I disappointed to get out of bed, endured the backache is ride bicycle to buy me a book.
When the spark becomes a fire, start going all out and promote in other forms of advertising like commercials, radio ads, magazines ads, Internet ads, events in order to ride the momentum.
Regardless of the original goals of your relationship, if you take advantage of these abilities, you should be better able to ride out the difficult times than many other couples.
Confucius thought that he must stand out to get ride of the power which causing disorder to the society.
Toms car ran out of gas, and he had to hitch a ride with a truck driver.
Since we ran out of gas, we were forced to thumb a ride into the city.
I purposely pick out pools of water to ride through sometimes because the ground under tends to be firmer than drier-looking but soft mud banks.
Man has so far conquered space by painfully and inefficiently blasting himself out of the atmosphere but the 21st century should bring a more leisurely ride to the final frontier.
By solving the differential equation groups to describe the train system, a series of simulation results about hunting motion stability, dynamic negotiation and ride comfort were worked out.
The results of ride analysis show that the co-simulation approach is reasonable and reliable and turns out to be adequate for time-domain ride analysis of a nonlinear vehicle model.
He is really not convinced that the ads are the cause of Marsh all's decreasing sales and wants to ride out the downturn.
WHAT'S your main reason for going to an amusement park? Nine out of ten people say "to ride a roller coaster". It is sometimes called a scream machine.
Communication between them and the soul, there is the ability to foretell the future, and in the dark years of the guidelines of the people they ride out the storm.
Communication between them and the soul, there is the ability to foretell the future, and in the dark years of the guidelines of the people they ride out the storm.