I don't know the person you mention, though the name seems to ring a bell.
This often proves difficult and can take a long time so I will ring a bell so that everyone knows it's time to eat! Hopefully this will speed things up a bit.
In the midst of this, half were randomly assigned to say to themselves “I am a lovable person” every time they heard a bell ring.
Ask any woman who is trying to do it all and she'll admit to a few slip-ups in the memory department (forgotten appointments, lost keys, missing cell phone-ring a bell?)
And of course it exists in a semiotic relationship to a white light over a street door which means "this is my house; if you wish you can ring the bell but I'd just as soon you stayed out."
What a moment it will be when we ring the Centennial bell to signify the opening of the Centennial Convention in Chicago!
I reach up and ring the bell. Several minutes later the gate opens to reveal a man in.
The bell knocks to ring once and once, felling is a make the wood hammer knock I be thinking of endlessly.
Story: a young monk as a bell ringer, half down, feel very boring, one day at a time... one day, the host announces he went to the backyard firewood water, because he is not equal to ring the bell.
During Alibaba's 2014 initial public offering in the United States, Mr. Ma gave television interviews but allowed a group of merchants to ring the stock exchange bell.
When the bell ring, New year's train set out on time. It carry to unforgettable years, ushered in a fiery time. I wish you a happy New year, and promising future!
People are fond of saying that you can't nursing a bell. But some words ring out likes church bells, rising above the din, calling us to the truth.
Then a mouse who kept quiet, stepped forward and said "How about hanging a bell to the cat's neck? Then the bell will ring when the cat comes."
At dusk, with the sun slowly drifting into the Lake on the west, a huge bell at Jingxi Temple, will ring its farewell to the last sunbeam of the day.
Also show her how to make noises with other things that provide a wide range of variations in pitch, such as a bell, a whistle, keys on a ring or a music box.
Ladies and gentlemen, comrades, car faithful: new Year's bell will ring, we are about to start a brand new in 2010.
Really though, whenever we find ourselves in a deeply desirous mood, a little alarm bell ought to ring.
It didn't ring a bell, so I asked her to explain.
It didn't ring a bell, so I asked her to explain.