Those modules will be re-examined and retest to run quickly.
When I heard the shot voice, I started to run, at first, I kept the uniform space, I planned to run quickly in the last 200 meter.
In case you needed another reason to slow down early in the month, despite Mars' coaxing to get you to run quickly, consider this.
The team needs these kinds of builds (especially gated check-in builds) to run quickly so that their work is not held up waiting for a build.
Latter-day dog is lazier, cannot keep watch at night, full during the day is holding a head high to run quickly madly spank, above oneself, defiant.
Potter started on a trot that quickly increased to a run.
On a beach, run away from the sea and move quickly to higher ground when an earthquake happens.
For example, a tester can use the hardware one day to test on a specific operating system version and quickly swap out to run a different operating system version the next day.
Likewise, Compute grid is not in the scheduling business; instead its focus is to run batch and grid workloads quickly while ensuring business-level service agreements are achieved.
It provided a way of arbitrarily assigning services to run in different processes, and a means for quickly removing services that were causing crashes or lockups.
The whole OS is small enough to run directly from system RAM, so applications start quickly and respond to user input instantly.
However, such an implementation is hardly ever acceptable: it will cause a program to run out of memory quickly since it never reclaims unused space.
Aliases are an effective way to run commands quickly, or run your favorite commands with the command-line options you commonly use.
Remove the egg with a spoon or ladle and let it cool slowly, or run cold water over it to cool it more quickly.
This sets the stage for a more flexible install, in the event that you would want to make room to install additional files — not that the system is likely to run out of room quickly.
One way you can do this quickly is to run the IISRESET command at a command prompt.
It was too crowded to flee quickly, she said. "I said, 'I can't run."
The easiest way to run workflows to quickly view how this loan process is monitored is to use the Business process Choreographer Explorer.
要运行工作流以快速查看这个贷款流程如何受到监测,最简单的方法就是使用BusinessProcess Choreographer Explorer。
The project includes an AIR based console that allows users to quickly create and run user interface tests by providing the ability to record, playback, and verify Flex visual components.
To run your test quickly with one user, all you need to do is right-click on the test suite, select run As, and then select Performance test.
要用一个用户快速运行您的测试,您所需的就是右键单击测试集,选择RunAs,然后选择performance Test。
Let's quickly run over what was required to get your VXML to work on a servlet, and then move from there to JSP pages.
Convenience stores quickly began to run out of food (oddly, people seemed to be stocking up on the least nourishing of snacks, such as crisps).
She leaves so quickly that I figure she has to run to the bathroom or something.
Because unit tests execute so quickly, they are easy to run often as a part of a build.
He joined Sony in 1997 and quickly rose to run its American operations.
Never has 45 euros been better spent, but I need to toughen up - and quickly - if my money is not to run out well before I reach India.
Never has 45 euros been better spent, but I need to toughen up - and quickly - if my money is not to run out well before I reach India.