I want to wait till Friday to see how many students volunteer, and then I'll schedule a training class next week at a time that's convenient for everyone.
Review: Schedule a time with yourself every week to look over what you've done that week and what you want to do the next week.
OK, if you are set on getting plastic surgery, schedule it for the last week, from April 27 to 30 if possible - but stay as far away as possible from Mercury retrograde next month!
At the beginning of your week, schedule what you need to do with a "to-do" list. Similarly, at the end of your work day, plan the next day.
The following week will be complicated. Our schedule is tough and we'll have little time to recover between our next few games.
Argentina, which returns to the World Rally Championship trail next week following a one-year absence, is ranked as one of the most taxing yet important events on the 13-round schedule.
The next week, I met with the woman who handled the hospital volunteers, and we set up a schedule for me to work a few times each week for the duration of the summer.
The next week, I met with the woman who handled the hospital volunteers, and we set up a schedule for me to work a few times each week for the duration of the summer.