The iPhone and iPad influence starts when you first try to scroll down a web page.
If you enjoy a tip, be sure to scroll down for a link to the rest of the story.
For example, the application crashes when you try to scroll up or to scroll down.
This feature is quite useful when you are on long webpages and need to scroll down frequently.
I'm going to open up a program called positive1.c. I'm going to scroll down to the juicy part here.
我将要打开一个叫做positive1, c的程序,我们翻到这个有趣的部分。
These ensure that you will not need to scroll down your start page for hours in order to find a given piece of content.
Click to scroll down one picture in the picture list. To quickly scroll through the list, hold down your mouse pointer over the button.
All right, first of all, on the web, when you're on the web and you want to scroll down, don't pick up the mouse and use the scroll bar.
With more than 200 results, you have to scroll down a bit to find an item called ClusterConfigCommands command group for the AdminTask object.
搜索产生200多个结果,向下滚动一点儿,找到ClusterConfigCommandscommandgroupforthe AdminTask object。
For the first design operation on this new page, drag a Computed Field from Controls (you might have to scroll down) to the center palette.
When vertical lines touch the upper and lower edges of a web page, it often signals the user to scroll down and hunt for additional content.
For me, the cutoff point is more like 50 lines of code, whereas some developers would say that a method is too long if it requires you to scroll down to see its entire body.
就我而言,截止点(cutoff point)大约是50行代码,但有些开发人员会说,如果某一方法需要您向下滚动整整一天才能看完,那么该方法太长了。
To establish the desired mappings, scroll down the right-hand list to find opb_uartlite_0 and click RX, then click Add.
要建立所需的映射,请在右侧的列表中向下滚动,找到 opb_uartlite_0并单击RX,然后单击Add。
In the resulting dialog, scroll down to the XSDDataTypes model and choose the required type.
To tell Xcode which provisioning profile to use, open your Xcode project, open the Target build Settings, and scroll down to code Signing.
On the View TAB, under Advanced Settings, scroll down to select Use check boxes to select items.
These types of headers can take up the entire screen, but with one important note. Visitors will not need to click anything, just scroll down.
You swipe up and down to scroll lists of, say, tracks or artists.
A table is handy for a list of messages, since it allows the user to scroll up and down.
When working with a text document, the window was best made thin and narrow to make it easy to scroll up and down the text.
Scroll down to the bottom of the file to notice there are three ports for each of the bindings.
Scroll down to the section where the database is defined and set it to be ISSWMEDB (Figure 54).
So you have to wait for the page to clear, load again, and then scroll down to the map.
So, if you don't want to end up like that one episode of the Three Stooges, then scroll down to find out how to de-clutter your cables.
The more content that appears above the fold, the more likely new visitors will stay and read, because they'll immediately see the content without having to scroll or scan down.
Scroll down to the middle of the page, and you'll see your AWS account id.
Scroll down to the first server definition and change the server name to our TXSeries region name, test.
Scroll down to the Usage section of the Properties TAB and specify the following Settings (see Figure 2).
In the details pane, scroll down to the Server TAB.
In the details pane, scroll down to the Server TAB.