It is important for a patient whose mood does not improve over time to seek medical advice.
It is therefore important to seek medical advice to determine which type of colour vision deficiency is present.
This is why it is important to seek medical advice as soon as you notice exophthalmos so that treatment can be started.
These germs can be passed on through a bite, so it is important to seek medical advice if you have received a bite that breaks the skin.
With TV and radio calling on the population to seek medical advice for any flu-like symptoms, queues grew at clinics and hospitals across the city.
Thus, the hearts of chaos, they did not dare to seek medical advice, but to search the information through the Internet, reading books to self-control.
It is important to seek medical advice if a patient's mood does not improve over time - for example, if a person is feeling depressed every day for a two-week period.
Optimistic people seem to seek medical advice and follow it, she says, citing research showing that optimists are inclined to stick with diet programs prescribed by their docs.
In most cases the back will heal itself but in severe and persistent cases it is essential to seek medical advice so that a correct diagnosis can be reached and appropriate treatment given.
So, it is very recommendable to seek a medical advice since the doctor can prescribe the antihistamines without the sedating effect.
If you are under medical supervision, or are taking tranquilizers or sedatives, seek the advice of your physician prior to using melatonin.
There is no need to worry if your baby swallows small amounts of these substances but if you are unsure about the amount swallowed seek medical advice.
Use this advanced solution, blue crossed aegis can simplify the service flow of call center, those who rise to seek advice to medical treatment personnel is overall answer speed.
24 (four) to seek medical treatment in a timely manner, the first choice to the community health service agencies for the first time, not black clinics, according to the doctor's advice.
Timely expert advice to the AIDS-related knowledge, under the guidance of their right to live and seek medical attention.
Timely expert advice to the AIDS-related knowledge, under the guidance of their right to live and seek medical attention.